Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sorry guys :P

Right, so I've been running low on the good ol' blogs but I've honestly been SO busy!!

Most of my days are taken up by college and when I'm not at college I'm doing college work so I'm basically surrounded by college!! It's actually quite frustrating because I dislike college ALOT and the only reason I'm sticking it out is because I need to!! If i could fast forward 2 years and be at university I really would but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!!

So yeah, I've been busy with college and then I've also been busy at home because my mommy is due to have a baby some times this week and she has been in and out of hospital so I've been helping out with looking after my little sister!! It's all a bit hectic in my little world right now!!

I'm currently setting up revision for all of my exams in January at college. I have 3 in total and I also have coursework etc to complete. It's not easy at college no matter what anyone says!! You have to put in SO much work and I've had to put in extra because the teachers at my college are pretty useless at times haha!!

So yeah, as my life goes right now I pretty much have about 5 hours of free time a week or something!! It sucks but I've gotta get on with it!!
I can't wait to have a little break over the christmas holidays but I'm sure a lot of my time will be spent revising!! At least I will have the chance to relax a little though hey?!

Anyway, I think I've bored you enough with my little life story but if you're still reading then congrats to you because I would have zoned out ages ago!! hahah

Blog soon (I hope)

Friday 18 November 2011

Nothing Beats it!!

Feeling like you're on cloud nine has gotta be THE best feeling ever and that's exactly how I'm feeling right now!! It's like something has taken over me, wipe away all those possible tears and blessed me with the greatest feeling in the world!!

I can't explain what it's like to feel like this!! It's like having your favourite childhood sweet after such a long time!! Honestly I can't explain it but I'm sure every single one of you lovely people reading this have experienced it at some point in your life!!

Everything is great. I'm keeping positive and I will not let anyone or anything take away this smile that I've been wearing!!

Keep Smiling :D

Thursday 17 November 2011


RIGHT, so here we have it!! JUKEBOX HAS ARRIVED!!

I got my copy a bit late due to 'unforeseen circumstances' but anyway when I first got to listen to it properly I was actually so amazed at it!!
Here is the track listing:
Track 01- She makes me wanna
Track 02- Do you feel what I feel
Track 03- Teach me how to Dance
Track 04- Take a Chance On Me
Track 05- Go Harder
Track 06- So Many Girls
Track 07- 3D
Track 08- Take You Down
Track 09- Innocence
Track 10- Killed By Love
Track 11- Never Gonna Stop
Track 12- Shy of The Cool

So, my favourites on the album? hmm.. well the entire album is just brilliant but if I had to pick 3 favourites I would probably choose: Do you feel What I feel, Take A Chance On Me and Shy Of the Cool. I think for me, I feel like their is a whole lot of emotion packed into this album. One disk containing so much emotion!! It's just great!! You have that aspect of love but yet there is so much energy in some of the songs too which is just great!! OK now JLS clearly aren't everyone's cup of tea but I think a lot of the songs, for example Take A Chance On Me, everyone can relate to in some way. Music is open to so much interpretation. Just take a generic lyric from the song and add your own interpretation to it!

Try it, I'll give you a few to try out from the song Take A Chance On me by JLS:

-'Reach out take my hand' think about: friendship, love, trust.
-'You give 100 percent but you've never seen a cent' think about: working hard but not feeling rewarded, trying so hard to please someone but nothing works, not feeling like your work is appreciated
-'But you cannot get past the fear' think about: not wearing something because you don't know what people will think, being too scared to do something you really want to do.

So, do you see what I mean. Music is open to so much interpretation. Everyone has their own take on life. Next time, when you listen to a piece of music, crank up the volume or listen to it quietly but whatever you do, listen carefully and think about what makes that piece of music so great. It could be the lyrics, the backing track anything. Just make it mea something to you, make it personal. Every artist wants their fans to relate to their music not just listen to it!! Try it, it will work!!


Saturday 12 November 2011

Prom Pictures :)

So I promised that I would upload a few picture from my prom which I had taken at my house and then edited. It has been a very long wait but they have arrived so I shall post a few of the jewellery. Enjoy & comment if you wish :)

Here's a picture of the earrings I wore. You can also see the lovely detail on the dress.
This is a full length of the dress. It is a cross between english and asian style. (Chopped my head out of the picture)
Here's a close up of the hand jewellery I wore. It was brought from an asian jewellery store.

Friday 4 November 2011


So, my Dad went to India for 2 weeks because there was a family wedding over there. He brought me back some amazing presents so I thought I'd share the most amazing ones with all you lovely people :) Feast your sparkly little eyes on these!!

A set of silver bangles- There are 16 bangles in this set, 2 are chunky and the rest are thin but some have some great detail on them!

This is a set of 8 gold bracelets- It has 4 chunky bracelets in and every single one has great detail on.

This is a set of 4 gold bracelets with coloured gems on. I totally love the turquoise colour!!  

This is a more simple set of bangles. There are 16 in this set- 12 plain and 4 with the diamonds on. Great elegance!

Now I totally love this bracelet- It's a clamp bracelet and the detail on it is just amazing!  I love the colour too.

Just a simple clamp bracelet with an added sparkle:)

Thursday 3 November 2011

Nails Inc. Nail varnish

So this months issue of GLAMOUR magazine came with a lovely full size bottle of Nails Inc. nail polish. The colour I received was 'Basil Street' and I totally love it!! It's a nude/light toffee colour and it applies really well onto the nail. After just two coats you're all set!

The colour is great for mutli-wear i.e you can wear it for a casual coffee or a night out with your friends! It matches every outfit and I really recommend it to everyone :) Also, I've had mine of for 3 days now and there isn't a single chip in sight and I use my hands a lot because I do a lot of writing, washing up etc. Definitely a recommend buy!!

Love your nails. :)

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Garnier BB Cream

So, I received my free samples of Garnier BB cream last week and my immediate reaction was 'Oh, i like the packaging!' It was in a sort of, fold over card board box and it had little quotes from reviews on it and it had pictures and things on it.

Inside the little box was a little pocket where the samples were, there are 3 sample sachets which would probably last about 2/ 2 and a half weeks. There's also a £1 money off voucher for any purchase of Garnier BB cream and a few other products. Pretty useful if you like the sample :)

Finally after checking out the packaging and everything, I opened up a sachet and tried it out. I had a pretty big spot on my nose on the day I got it so it was great timing! So, I put it on and well, it was pretty damn great! It gives an incredibly light coverage but its enough to cover spots/blemishes. It is also really easy to apply and blends in really well so you can say goodbye to any smears!! It's also really handy to carry around with you because, due to it being just like cream, it absorbs into your skin and if you wanted to keep touching up throughout the day, you can because it doesn't look patchy at all and you cant tell if you have more than one layer on!! It's also really easy to take off and because you don't have to put a lot of it on, you don't have to struggle scrubbing it off your face because it's so light! Oh, and also it has SPF 15 so it's great for the daily protection that your skin needs!

The only criticism I have to it is this: when I put it on one day, after moisturising, it really highlighted a bit of dry skin that I had around my chin, this was quite annoying because I took it off put on more moisturiser and re applied it but it STILL looked dry. But then, after letting my skin settle, it did go away which I was pleased with.

So, all in all it's a great product and I will definitely be buying it once I've used up my samples!! I definitely think it's well worth buying because it really is a great all-in-one!!

GO BB!! :)

Full size bottle- available in most beauty stores
This is the sample box 

Friday 14 October 2011


woops.. it seems that my phone isn't working. It's a blackberry, hold the insults please. hahaha!!

So, my keypad hasn't being working properly for a few months now but I've been coping with it. And now, it just won't do anything. I can use the trackpad but its practically useless!! My whole phone is just frustrating me and I'm up right now trying to figure out how to fix the damn thing!!

I attempted using a hairdryer to 'dry it out' because apparently the problem is caused by water/moisture but NO! it hasn't helped :(

I feel like smashing my phone into pieces but I guess that would be even worse!!

I have to stick with this phone until february when i get my upgrade. I might ditch blackberry and join the iPhone revolution!!!

Believe in Yourself

After realising tha your life is what you make it, you want to do nothing but make it right. I've never been quite the confident person and I know it's something I need to work on. But my confidence is a working progress and seeing new faces at college has definitely boosted me up one step. The idea of being with totally new people in practically all of my subjects was pretty daunting but I've told myself from the start that I'm not going to pretend. I'm not going to be they shy one sat alone in the corner anymore because I don't want to be like that. Yeah ok so the first day wasn' great, I barely knew anyone and to be honest I didn't speak to many people but I've made friends in a few classes but only because I told myself I would do it. I became comforted by the belief that I would be able to do it and now, I've done it. I've mixed with all kinds of people in my lessons and I totally love it :)

The work load has been hard but I'm handling it (I hope!!). There are some people who I can already see falling behind, not handing in work and not turning up to lessons on time. I'm glad to say that I'm not one of these people. I've kept up to date with my work and am soon to start a piece of coursework for film studies- a 1500 word essay on 5 minutes of film. It will be hard but I've had enough practice with essay writing for film so I'm confident enough to say I will be able to do it. 

I've followed my gut instinct when being at college. I've learned to just go with it and not wait around but, most importantly, I believe in myself. I believe that if I try my VERY hardest I know that I will do well. I'm going to get the grades I want because I'm going to put in as much work and effort as possible. Nothing's gonna stop me from being at the top. Forget target grades because I want to exceed them. I have all the support I need, teacher family and great friends. As long as I saty on track, their should be no problem. 

So, my message to you? Just go for it, if you want something, go and get it. Don't waste time waiting for someone to come and help you up, just get up and go. It's your life, believe in yourself, set your own goals and go after them. Chase your dreams before its too late, you know you want to, go on, I can see you edging to go so JUST GO!!!!!!

Friday 30 September 2011

Aaaaahhh What A Day!!

Sunday 25th September 2011. Train Leaves at 9:55. Destination: LONDON EUSTON!!

Oh yes, LONDON!! Sunday was the day that me and my AMAZING friend Abi went over to London. We had tickets for Buckingham Palace where we could have a tour of the state rooms & see the Royal Wedding Collection!!

We got to the train station around 9:45am and waited for our train to get to the platform. When it arrived, we sat our little butts down and got ready to have a great day; one which we will remember for quite a while!!

The journey was ok. There was a group of men sat next to us who were drinking beer and it kind of smelled but it was managable. I did feel a bit sick on the way but no vomit so it wall ALL good :)

We reached London at about 11:30. This was great timing because we had enough time to catch the tubes to take us to where we needed to go and we still had pleanty of time until our tour of the Palace which started at 1:00 pm. We got to the palace at about 12/12:15 and so we decided to sit in the park and have a little snack and rest. When it got to about 12:45, we went back to the entrance for the palace tour and swiftly made our way in.

We went through the security check and of course it just HAD to beep on Abi. Not me though, obviously her metallic structure is a problem.. hahaa.

We got our audio tours and made our way through. The entire palace was just AMAZING, like nothing I have ever seen before!! And the Royal Wedding Collection, well don't get me started on that, amazing, jut amazing!! So much detail ad thought went into everything!! When you hear about the ins and outs of the AMAZING wedding dress you realise jut how amazing it is!! Wow, just WOW!!

We also got to see the 'Royal Fabergé' collection which was OUTSTANDING!! So many little figurines and amazing pieces with so much detail and precision!! A favourite of mine was a little indian elephant with a man sat on top. It was SO small but yet nothing was missed. Every last wrinkle was on the elephant!!

So, after the tour, we made our way out of the palace and walked over to Clarence House. We didn't really get close to it due to the security and guards but it was nice to see it in real life haha!! After seeing Clarence House, we went over to a park and decided where we would go next. We also managed to see a few little squirrels!!

Next up, we made our way over to see Big Ben and big it was!! We only saw it from a distance but we were close enough to see how amazingly big it is!! There were a few of those annoying chinese tourists around so we quickly made our way to the underground as we were now heading to Covent Garden!

We very nearly got lost but we soon realised we were looking at the wrong tube direction thingy and found the right one!! So, when we got to Covent Garden, we looked for Lilly Allen's shop 'Lucy In Disguise' but we failed to find it and we actually got really frustrated!! But at least we tried!

After we this, we were slightly stuck about where to go. We had about 2 hours before our train home and we needed something to do so, we stopped for a hot chocolate in Starbucks and then made our way into our future. Yep, that's right, our future.
But before we got there, we were rudely interrupter by a lady trying to give us free tickets to a 'film' about why people are paranoid. She wouldn't take no for an answer!! Silly woman!!

Next Stop: RADA & UCL.

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art & University College London. The university Abi inspires to go to and the university I inspire to go to. AND it just so happens that they are only a 5 minute walk away from one another!! Pretty cool I know and to top things off, there is a hospital right near the two universities so  we know we are safe if we decide to go to the universities!!

So, after being wowed by our universities, we looked at our clocks and realised it was half 6!! We needed to be at Euston train station for 7 and we were running late!! The next 20 minutes were a mad rush on and off tubes but we reached Euston train station in good time and we even beat the train!! haha!!

We sat on the train when it arrived and had a relaxing journey back! Our feet were just about to fall off when we got on the train but it was DEFINITELY worth it!! We had such an amazing day and I would more than love to do it again!!!

I'm so glad I have such an amazing friend to share such an experience with!! :D

I cannot wait until something like this happens again!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun :D


This sunshine is AMAZING!! Totally loving this week. It's funny how it's been predicted to snow mid october but yet we are experiencing a week which could be the hottest in so many years!! Waheyy!!

Unfortunately I've been stuck in college all week so haven't got to enjoy the sun as much as I would have liked BUT I did get out in it every chance I could :D

Hope everyone has been enjoying the sun as much as me or even more :) What's everyone done to enjoy it?? Drop a few comments if you want.

Keep smiling while the sun is shining!!

Friday 23 September 2011

I'm back ;)


I'm so sorry for neglecting my blog recently. I haven't posted in AGES!! I've been SO busy, I've started college so I've had a lot of work to do, my first week was the worst!! I was bombarded with essays and assignments but worry not, I got them all in on time and I got good marks for them all!!

The subjects I'm studying are: Film Studies, Sociology, Psychology and Law. All are A-Levels :)

The next 2 years are gonna be pretty intense now. People say that even university is easier than A-Levels!! Woohooo... NOT! BUT, studying A-Levels DOES come with an advantage!! I get about 12 hours free a week. They're called 'study periods' but I don't study in all of the 12 hours haha!! EXAMPLE: today I went into town and went shopping in 2 free hours that I had!! Pretty cool right?!

So college isn't too bad, the first week was hard; I didn't know anyone in my lessons and generally felt like I knew no one in college. I've started to make more friends but everyone already has their own friendship groups so I can't just go and stay with them at lunch times and things haha!! I'm kind of enjoying college but I'm not massively enjoying it. I think it might get better with time but hey, I just need to stick it out for 2 years and deal with it I guess hahahahaha!!

So, sorry my blog is a bit dry today but I will try and do a few when I get a bit of spare time. College is tiring me out a lot so I tend to come home, do a bit of revision (yes I'm already revising!!!) and then I have dinner and just try and relax. It's hard because when it gets to about 9:00 pm I start to feel really tired but I know that if I go up to bed, I won't get any sleep!!

Anyway, sorry for not blogging lately but like I said, I'll try and keep a few blogs coming!!

It's all love fellow readers ;)

Thursday 25 August 2011


So today was the day that I got my GCSE results!! After all the hard work and effort I had put in to trying my best and not giving up and this day was going to tell me if it had all payed off.

So, I meet up with my friend and we catch the bus to the other site of our school (we merged with another school to form an academy). As we got off the bus, we caught our friend hopping out of her car to collect her results and we joined her. It was nice to be together after a while. So, we collected our envelopes and huddled in a circle, loosening the ends of the envelope so we could reveal our results. I was expecting one piece of paper with numbers and letter on but there were actually about 5 pieces of paper and I was just utterly confused. We soon figured out what was going on and I am so pleased to say that I got 2 A*s, 5 As and 5 Bs!

I couldn't believe I had got these results because the exams really WERE hard!! I'm just so proud of myself!! My friends also done AMAZINGLY and I am feeling rather proud of them too ;) I know they are SO happy about their results!! They worked SO hard and they deserved amazing results!!

I told my family about my results and they had nothing but praise for me!! I can't really explain my happiness to be honest but it's kind of like the feeling you get when you first learned to tie your shoe laces as a child.. a feeling of great accomplishment ;)

I hope everyone is happy with their results, don't worry about what people thought you were gonna get because you shouldn't need to live up to anyone's expectations but your own!! You will be amazing no matter what!! So keep your head held high, keep focussed on your goals in life and you WILL reach them. Embrace every moment of happiness, be proud of whatever you do, don't look back because you haven't got any time to waste.


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Counting down the days & the time has come!!

25th August 2011- GCSE results day. The feelings I am experiencing at this moment are hard to understand. I feel nervous but I also fell excited. I have been waiting for this day for so long and all my years of school have been preparing me for this. I've always valued my education and tried my hardest to achieve the best possible. My parents have always told me that if I want something, I need to try my hardest to get it and I want to be successful so I will always try my hardest to be successful.

Now, many people are probably feeling SO nervous about results day but just remember one thing- if you know you've done you're best, there is nothing more you can do. At the end of the day, if you revised and turned up for the exam, there is nothing more you could have done. Whatever results you get, you need to remember that you will ALWAYS be amazing, no matter what. These results won't change the rest of your life forever, if you do well then congratulations but if you don't do as well as you hoped you would, don't be disheartened because, there will be an opportunity for you one day, you just need to wait. College or sixth form isn't always the right thing for everyone so choose wisely. Avoid quick snap decisions because it could lead to regrets. But whatever you do, work hard and always keep calm. Especially just before you open your envelope of results!!

Take a friend or family member which you for support. There's nothing better than someone stand next to you for you to scream, cry or jump with ;) Forget about people's expectations of you, you're doing this for you, not them, and go into your school hall with an open mind. Think about the life that lies ahead of you because you're just about to step into it. When you take your envelope, smile and say thank you. Don't let your nerves make you rush to open it. Console yourself, do some deep breathing if you really need to, open it slowly (just to build up the tension ;) ) look at it carefully... read every subject line.. take it all in... now here's your chance... SCREAM SHOUT CRY JUMP!! Do whatever you want to do to express your feelings. Be aware that there may be press from local newspapers hanging about so if you don't want to be in a shot then I suggest you hide ;) But honestly, share your success because everyone deserves to be happy. If your pleased with your results, go shout it from the rooftops!! Indulge yourself in happiness, this was achieved by YOU, no one else, just your amazing self!!

Celebrate your triumphs because, this may sounds a bit clichéd but, you are worth it!! If you have tried your hardest possible then I'm sure you will shine, you'll sparkle with delight, happiness will fill your heart. You deserve it, GCSEs are not easy!!

Good luck to every single one of us getting our results!! I will post mine up tomorrow, let me know what you all get :D

Hugs and kisses... just to calm your nerves a little :D mwaaahhh < That is a big one for the AMAZING Abi & Shifa who I know will just do great! Don't worry my little wiggle bottoms!!!

Saturday 20 August 2011

We don't live in a jigsaw puzzle.

So today, I was having a conversation with one of my friends about how we want to meet One Direction & JLS. She happens to be a big One Direction fan & I'm the big JLS fan (as you may already know). We were talking about how we will go to book signings and things to meet them and then she mentioned something which really made me think, it was actually quite sad to think about. You see, she wears a head scarf. She mentioned how she would feel 'awkward' if we went to try and meet the bands. I replied with 'but why?' without thinking properly and she said 'because I wear a scarf'. Part of me was shocked that she would feel awkward just because she wears a scarf but I totally understood her feelings.

I myself don't wear a scarf and when I see people wearing one it seems normal because it is part of my religion. I have nothing but respect for them. This is why I was shocked when my friend said this. It is normal for me to see her wearing a scarf. I see her all the time and if she came out without a scarf I would be shocked. But why should wearing a scarf make her feel awkward? It is part of her religion. People should have nothing but respect for that. I am a big believer in respecting other people's cultures because we do live in a multi-cultural society. We need to welcome different cultures with open arms. If we didn't wouldn't we get bored? Although I do have a religion, I'm always open to new ideas from different cultures. For example, I wear clothes from shops such as TopShop/New Look(western culture) but I also wear clothes from my own eastern culture but with a modern twist. My prom dress is a great example of this.

I would never look at someone and judge them on what they are wearing. O.K I may look at someone's outfit and say 'oh that's nice' or 'oh I don't like that' but I will never judge the person wearing those clothes. A headscarf is like a piece of clothing or a hair clip. Just because it's there, it doesn't mean you need to point it out. You wouldn't make someone feel awkward if they wore a mickey mouse t-shirt so why make a person feel awkward if they are wearing a head scarf?

At the end of the day, we don't live in a jigsaw puzzle and not everyone fits in with each other but when you were a child, you would have tried to make each jigsaw piece fit into each other wouldn't you? So what's stopping us from trying to make everyone feel like they fit in now?

Appreciating differences within society is often overlooked and many people begin to label people on what they look like. We need to realize that yes, everyone is different and why is that? It's because we are unique. We don't question each other's DNA so why question what we wear or what we look like?

I hope this made sense. I'm not sure it did, but surely you must understand my point by now. Feeling like a social outcast is a terrible feeling so don't make anyone feel like that.

In the words of Jessie J, Nobody's Perfect!

Friday 19 August 2011

Dying to be thin??

After coming across a webpage which gives tips to girls wishing to become size zeros, I began to think about the harm which people are causing themselves. It's sad to think that people are out there trying to be a size zero. They must be able to see that it's not what a healthy body is about. Depriving your body of food will not help you. Keeping a fast for 30 days, limiting yourself to juice, is dangerous. It upsets me to read thing like this.

Now, you could say that celebrities are the cause of this but, I don't think it is the only cause. Sure the media has a BIG impact on how we live our lives and seeing thin, tall models and celebrities on magazine covers does make us feel uncomfortable in our own bodies sometimes but people are missing the point. Many celebrities have very on-the-go lifestyles. They DO eat but they burn a lot of their calories off by walking from one place to another. Also, the like of Cheryl Cole and The Saturdays do dance. If you look at preparations they have done for music videos, you will see that a lot of it does include dancing and dancing does help to loose weight/maintain weight. People need to take all of these factors into consideration before deciding that they are going to stop eating.

I've never been 100% happy with my size. There are times when I will look in the mirror and think that I'm too fat. I've always thought that my thighs are HUGE and at one point, I did really want to do something about it so I changed my lifestyle and slotted in just half an hour of exercise a day and I began to see a difference. Then I began taking the exercise more seriously. It went from enjoying the exercise to working out how many calories I had burned. I also began counting calories. Then I realized I needed to stop. Luckily it only took me a month to realize that what I was doing wasn't right and I went back to exercising just to keep myself healthy and ever since then, I have began to feel more comfortable with my body. I realized that I wasn't fat. After all, I was only a size 8 and I knew this was normal for my age.

I've started eating a lot healthier now. Previously, I hadn't really been eating much fruit but now I have increased my fruit intake and I only have a packet of crisps about once a month. I've found that this not only makes me feel healthier, but it also makes me feel happier because I know that I am being healthy and my skin feels healthier.

But when I see articles titled 'tips for anorexia' and 'thinspiration' I get very worried. I will look through these articles and think 'wow! look how thin they are' and I will begin to think about myself and my body. Then I think again to myself. I reassure myself and my insecurities are pushed aside because I know that a lot of these girls really are dying to be thin. They're eating one apple throughout a whole day and nothing more. They're looking for ways to stop them gaining weight when they probably weigh half of what I weigh!

There are many people who are genuinely thin and they can eat tonnes of food and they won't put on weight because they have a high metabolism. We must not envy people like that. That's just how they have been made, it's just how their body works. Everyone is unique and we need to remember that. Although keeping healthy is important, we need to get the balance right, O.K stick to a diet, but keep it a healthy diet. Don't cut out fatty foods completely because you need fat to insulate your body. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and enjoy things like cake, crisps and chocolate in moderation. If you stick at your exercise for a month, reward yourself with a chocolate. But do make sure that you take in lots of water whilst exercising. Water is great for your body. It keeps impurities out, it will make your skin look healthier and you will feel a lot more refreshed when you drink it.

So for all you girls, or even boys, out there who aren't happy with your size or shape, just remember, inner beauty counts too. You might not have the perfect body but you could have the perfect personality.

You are amazing, don't you ever ever forget that!!
Adele was the cover girl for the July 2011 issue of GLAMOUR- She isn't a size zero and she looks beautiful!

Every life is worth living. Smile like you've never smiled before, laugh like there's nothing better to do & live like there is no tomorrow. It's your life, don't let anyone take that away from you! 

Sunday 14 August 2011

Welcome Home :D

So, as I am sat drinking some pepsi and staring at a blank, boring laptop screen... I find out that one of my closest friend is now back in England after a weeks holiday in france! :D

I just wanted to say welcome home to her and I hope she had one amazing time!! I'm sure she did and I'm sure she has many stories of when her french has let her down haha!!

I jut thought i would be the lovely friend that I am and dedicate an entire blog to her because she is AWESOME! and I haven't spoke to her in a week.. that's like a whole year in our lives haha!!

We have a lot of catching up to do and I can't wait to hear her stories!!

Welcome Back Abi :)

(sorry about the bad weather)


Wednesday 10 August 2011

Just Stop!

Racism is a nasty thing. Judging people on their race is terrible. Just because someone has a different colour skin to you, it doesn't mean they are alien and deserve to be hated upon.

I have experienced racism and I would never wish for anyone to experience it. Being judged by your appearance is extremely hurtful. When it happened to me, I just wanted to change myself. I felt like I wasn't good enough to be around people. I felt like an outsider, I had been pushed out. I couldn't face the people who were racist towards me. What made it worse was that it happened at school and when I plucked up the courage to report it, nothing was done. I had no apology and saw the person again a few days later. It was very difficult to not be scared.

Inflicting racism on any person, young or old, is a horrible thing to do. I never have and never will understand why people do that. Only an ill-minded individual would get joy from doing such a thing.

When I see people being racist to other on twitter, a fire starts within me. I just want to take back the words the person has said and burn them like they never existed. But even by doing that, the victim of the racism may not be able to forget the words of hatred which have been poured upon them.

Racial harmony is something which we may never reach on this world but it would be nice to see people trying. Why should we target communities and groups of the grounds of their race? It does not do good for anyone.

A great song which expresses how everyone should be treated the same is 'Rainbow' by Jessie J. Check it out on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLqfanNkCDk

Monday 8 August 2011


The cold sound of sirens filled the streets of London. Nothing drove them away. The blaze of the fire clashed dreadfully with the cold blue lights. Is was all unstoppable. Peace was no where.

The past 3 nights have been nights of horror for many. Innocent people have lost their homes, their jobs and all happiness they once had. A family lost their loved one. But everyone lost peace. Respect went out the demolished window. The cruelty within the minds of people is astonishing. Why would anyone do this?

All this horror has escalated from the supposed unjust death of a man in London. The police apparently addressed the media first and ignored the needs of the mans family. This lead to peaceful protests on friday which were soon invaded by rowdy people wanted to make a show of themselves. This lead to the weekend being hoarded into a pool of violence. Fires blazed within empty looted shops and glass crunched beneath the heavy boots of police officers who attempted to keep the streets free from violence.

There have been many attempts to restore normality within the streets of London however, matters seem only to be getting worse. The rioters are beginning to spread all over the UK to cities such as Manchester and Birmingham. These cities are now experiencing the sound of shattering shop windows and hoards of youths reeking havoc in the once calm city centres. It has been reported that 'Primark' and 'Nandos' in Birmingham have been attacked and broken in to.

I personally do not see the need for such violence. It seems people have forgot the reason for the protests in the first place. These reasons were justified and intended to air feelings of injustice but by people creating such violent scenes, they are, in some ways, showing that they are in favor of such injustices as they are putting innocent people's lives at risk. Not thinking before they act, trying to climb up their social ladder by indulging in acts which they think will make them look 'hard'.

I do not sympathise in any way with those being arrested. They need to realise that what they are doing is wrong. Youths as young as the age of 7 are being involved in these riots. It baffles me to think why they are letting themselves get involved with this. But what worried me more is that there parents either don't know where their children are or they can't control what their children are doing.

This is both worrying and disgraceful. I hope the cold siren calls stops and this is all sorted when the other half of the government get back from holiday and hold another meeting....

Tuesday 2 August 2011

AAAHH!! I can't believe it! :D

After a year of non stop tweeting my wish finally came true. I got a tweet off Oritsé from JLS :D Words cannot describe how happy I am about this!! I have finally been noticed by one of my biggest inspirations... he's so amazing and it's so amazing that the most amazing person tweeted me :D

I was slightly overwhelmed when I saw the tweet! I started crying, but all is well, they were definitely tears of joy!! I still can't believe it.. in the words of Oritsé 'wowsh'

I would never have been able to get the tweet without the help of 2 girls, Shifa & Amanda :D Shifa is one of my best friends and Amanda is a girl I met through twitter, she is a JLS fan :)

So I finally made my wish come true, just shows that no matter what happens, if you try hard you can always make your wishes come true!! Now don't just sit there... Go and make YOUR wishes come true :D

He was doing a Q&A session my question was: 'if you could do anything you wanted to, what would you do?'

Sunday 31 July 2011

Number One :D

WAHEEYYYY JLS are number one on this weeks official chart with their new single 'She Makes Me Wanna' ft Dev. I am extremely happy that the boys got the number one spot in the charts this week!! They deserve it for all the hard work they put into their music. They give 100% to their fans and us fans repay them by buying their single and getting them to that top spot!

I can't describe my feelings because I'm just so overwhelmed with happiness! That's all I am feeling for them right now, happiness.

I would love to see how JLS are celebrating their 5th number one and the fact that they have broken the record for the most number ones an act that came from the x-factor have got!

Extremely proud. That's all I can say. In some ways, it's slightly overwhelming! :D

Well done JLS, I hope you're as happy as I am. Well of course you are, you're probably dancing around indulging in all things nice.

The cake JLS had to celebrate their 5th number one!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

J-J-Jessie J

‘DO it like a brother, do it like a dude’ *turns down music*. Yep, this one is for you Jessie J, one of my biggest inspirations in life.

Many people look at celebrities and think ‘oh your life is so easy’ but that is definitely NOT the case! There are meetings that need to be organized, fans that need to be pleased, and paparazzi to avoid. Imagine yourself doing that, recording songs in a studio, writing songs in a studio and now imagine yourself doing that with a heart defect. Not so easy is it? Well that is the reason Jessie J is a HUGE inspiration for me. She manages to handle all of this and she never wallows in self-pity.

Born Jessica Cornish, the 23 year old musical star has always wanted to sing. At the age of 17 Jessie J was part of a girl group called Soul Deep. Although the group had no record deal, Jessie J still stuck to it for 2 years but was soon plucked up by Gut Records. This record company offered her the chance to become a solo artist, this means she left the girl group. The girls in the group had no bad feelings towards her and they respected her decision. However, to Jessie’s dismay, Gut Records soon went into liquidation. This caused worries about whether she would be able to break into the music industry by being a solo artist. At the time there were already many emerging solo artists in the UK including Cheryl Cole and Adele. This made it very difficult for Jessie J to make her break.

However, little did she know that across the seas, there was a contract waiting for her with her name on. Sony signed Jessie J as a songwriter. This lead Jessie J down a path of success and opportunities, this included her being given the opportunity to work with Justin Timberlake who saw the potential which lay within her after watching her sing ‘Mamma Knows Best’, a song written by her at the age of 16, on YouTube. He told her she had an incredible voice and for someone who had been recording videos for viewers on YouTube, it was possibly the best thing anyone could ever say and the fact that it came from an internationally known music star made it even more amazing. This was her chance to emerge into the music industry and after supporting the likes of Chris Brown , Jools Holland and Cyndi Lauper she emerged. 

Unfortunately, Jessica’s journey wasn’t all that easy. As well as having to deal with knockbacks within the music industry, Jessie was also battling with a heart defect. This caused her to suffer a minor stroke at the age of 18 however; she didn’t let this slow her down. It made her come back with vengeance after all, she had just been signed to Sony, her career was just about to kickstart!

Sitting in that hospital bed made Jessie J realize that no matter what, shit happens because she had always made sure she kept fit, ate healthy and never got into anything to sabotage her health. This could have happened to anyone and no matter what, it was going to happen and she appreciated that. Jessie didn’t want to waste any time feeling sorry for herself or letting others control her career, she put herself in gear and told her record company exactly what she wanted her album to look like.

Although, the emerging of her album did come as a slight surprise because ‘Do It Like A Dude’ was going to be sent to singer Rihanna to see if her record label liked it for her but instead, Jessie’s record label insisted it be her debut single. They were amazed by the song and the potential it would have. Fortunately, their belief in the song as Jessie J’s first single paid off as it went straight to the top of the charts peaking at number two in the UK.

This was the start of a huge thing for Jessie J and shortly after the release of her debut single, the number of her ‘Heartbeats’ [fans] was steadily increasing and I am proud to say I am one of those.

I don’t just like her music though. Jessie J is a real representation of hard work, determination and achievement. Despite all her issues, she has overcome the knockbacks and has shone brighter than ever imagined. She doesn’t hide behind the make-up and glamour, she shows her real self. I mean, which artist do you know that would sing in their pyjamas on YouTube?! The fact that she does this shows how the perfect image is not what she’s about, it shows how she is about happiness, enjoyment and self expression.

The lyrics of Jessie J’s songs are all about being who you want to be, being who you are and standing up for what you believe in and what you want. This is inspiring to so many people who receive her music. She has even stopped a person from killing their self now how can you say she is not inspiring?

Jessie J appeals to a young audience, and this makes her refraining from drugs and alcohol even more significant. She is a strong supporter of a healthy body and she feels she can never perform on stage with alcohol or drugs in her body. She has even said that if she didn’t have a heart defect, she still would never touch alcohol or drugs, it’s just not for her.

I honestly adore Jessie J so much for all her hard work, courage and determination. Without Jessie J’s story, I would have given up on my dreams a long time ago. Seeing someone prove that celebrities can be amazing role models is great because I do look up to a lot of celebrities and I’ve stood my ground and said they ARE inspiring.

Jessie J is a beautiful person inside and out. I will always be proud to call myself a Heartbeat, no matter what! She deserves all the success she gets, after all you will always get out what you put in! I love you Jessie J!! 

Pictures scanned from GLAMOUR magazine 

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Fresh New Look

So after months of wandering what it would be like to get a full fringe cut into my hair and finally, I got it done!! I was so nervous to get it done because I hadn't had a fringe in such a long time! I previously had a side sweeping fringe but soon got fed up of it and decided to grow it out. Then I found that my hair was totally boring and pretty much had no style to it apart from layers so I basically dared myself to get a full fringe!

I'm totally glad that I got it done because I think it looks real nice (not to sound big headed) and I've had compliments from friends & family telling me how great it looks!

I start college in September so the idea was to go for a new look for college because it's a new start. I've never been so pleased with my hair before and this is the start of the new me now. I know it sounds a bit cheesy but college is my chance to start fresh and a new haircut is part of that!

I'm all ready for college and I'm so excited :D

Tuesday 12 July 2011

T4 On The Beach

Weston-Supermare.... the base for one of the biggest festival of the year.. T4 On The Beach and this year, I was lucky enough to get myself some tickets to go there!!

I arrived at Weston-Supermare on Saturday 9th July, a day before the actual event. I spent the day on the beach waiting by the railing which separated me from the backstage area of T4 and I managed to catch a glimpse of a few celebrities such as Dappy and Tulisa from N-Dubz, Rick Edwards the T4 presenter (I stood next to him :D), I also saw girl band Parade and a few members from boy band The Wanted. After about half 6 I began to head back to my hotel as I had enough of hearing Nicola Roberts constantly rehearsing 'Beat of my Drum' haha! I did get to hear Katy B, Jason Derulo and Midnight Beast do their soundcheck :)

When I got back to my hotel room I had a shower, which was unpleasantly freezing, and I prepped my hair for Sunday. Then I watched a bit of television and hit my pillow because it was an early start for me the next day.

Sunday morning 5 am: Time to wake up and get ready for a VERY long day. I shot right out of bed when I heard my alarm because, although I had a long day ahead, I was extremely excited! More so for the fact that I was going to see JLS again haha!

Anyway, I managed to get ready in about 45 minutes which was like a record breaker for me and I got all my stuff together and dumped my bags in the car and headed off to the beach to queue up to get into the T4 area. I got there at about half 6 and was quite close to the front of the queue. At about 7 the queues began to get really big and I began to think how lucky I was to be at the spot where I was. The people at the very front of the queue had been camping just so they could get the spot at the very front of the crowd. It really made me think 'wow, these people are so dedicated' I thought getting up at 5 was bad enough, I admire them for camping out on the cold and windy beach!

At around 8am, people began to get restless and tired and everyone just wanted the gates to be opened so we could kick start the show and enjoy the rest of our day. But soon, Georgie, the T4 presenter, came out to film clips showing the build up to T4 on The Beach and the crowds went wild when she walked past with director telling the crowds when to cheer and when we were live on channel 4. It was very exciting and gave a taster to how exciting the day would be.

Whilst waiting in the queue I heard the lovely Olly Murs doing his soundcheck, it was great because everyone was singing along to his songs, dancing and cheering. Then next up to soundcheck were the one and only, yep... you guessed it, JLS! I heard them singing 'Beat Again' and 'Everybody In Love' I couldn't stop smiling and singing and when I first heard them, I'm pretty sure I screamed a little! It was nice when everyone was singing along to their songs!! About 10 minutes into JLS' soundcheck, the gates were opened. Everyone tried to rush forward and I saw the queues around me swiftly moving forward. 'Why aren't we moving?' I thought. All I could wee were crowds forming around the stage and there I was, still stood in the queue. It turned out the security checking our queue in were very slow and were thoroughly checking everyones bag. Luckily I took a very small bag so I didn't hold the queue up too much!!

When I passed the gate, I attempted running but saw security stooping others from running for safety reasons so I decided t walk instead. I still managed to get a spot close to the front on the left hand side of the stage.

Then came the news I never expected to hear. I couldn't believe it when I heard it, JLS were cancelled. I was totally gutted. I nearly cried but held back the tears because I knew I would look a fool if I cried! I just counted my blessings because i got to hear them do a bit of their soundcheck so I did hear their voices and I caught a glimpse of them from far :) It was all explained that the problems holding them back from performing were production problems, totally out of the band's control.

So, as JLS were supposed to be the first act to perform, the now first act was Olly Murs who totally blew the crowd away with his amazing vocals and dancing! He was amazing!!

All the acts were amazing. My favourites were Midnight Beast, Olly Murs and Alexis Jordan. But all in all everyone was brilliant and I managed to get so many great pictures of all the acts :)

The sun held out well for us too and by the end of the day, many people had sunburn and unfortunately many people failed to keep themselves topped up with fluid and fainted. Luckily the stewards and paramedics saved the day and as far as I know, everyone was ok. The stewards also handed out cups of water to people who asked for it which helped a lot!

Towards the end of the performances, I managed to get even closer to the stage which meant a better view and better pictures, that made the 4 hour wait worth it!!

Traffic on the way back was horrendous and it took about an hour to get out of Weston-Supermare alone! All together, it took 5 hours for me to get home!! I was starving when I got home because all I had eaten was a few spoonfuls of coco pops and a couple of sweets but I really couldn't be bothered to eat. It was past midnight and I was tired so my bed seemed like the best option!

I had a totally great weekend and I would love to do it all again but I just don't know wether I will have the chance to. Let's hope I do hey?!

That's how close I was to Rick Edwards
[Tilt your head] It's Olly Murs
I would highly recommend going to T4 On The Beach to anyone who like the wound of the acts performing there. The atmosphere is brilliant and everyone gets so involved and enjoys it a lot :) Do be prepared with wellies and prepare to be pushed and shoved a little but honestly, it WILL be worth it. Get there early and you'll get a great spot!
For all you The Wanted fans

Turn It Louder.. It's Parade
N-Dubz gave a great erformance.

Sunday 3 July 2011


It was my prom n Friday 1st July and my gosh it was amazing!! I had such an amazing day and it panned out exactly how I thought it would!

Preparations began at about 2:15pm when I got my hair done. It took about 45 minutes to get my hair done. I had it all up in a bun type style with a 'bee hive' (that when you back comb your hair to make it puffed up) and I put a white flower clip in my hair to add effect. My hairstyle was different to the usual 'half up half down' hairstyle that people usually choose to prom. After having my hair done, I headed home. I got home at about 4:00pm because I travelled about half an hour to get my hair done and had to stop at a few shops on the way home. So when I got home, I started to do my make up. That took about half an hour. After that, I just relaxed for a bit and had a cup of tea :)

When it got to about 6:00pm I got my dress on and had a few pictures taken with my family. I should get the pictures through soon so I will post them when I get them. :)

Then I just had to wait for the car t come and pick me up. I went in a black Jaguar XF. Very nice car! I got to the prom venue for about 7:35pm. Pretty much everyone was already there so I felt awkward walking past everyone to try and find my friends! haha!

As I went in I went to one of my teachers who was putting a corsage on everyone. She put one on my dress and commented on how nice I looked. A lot of the teachers were fascinated with the hand jewelry which I wore because it was a bracelet which has a ring attached to it (again I will post the picture when I get it).  Anyway, when I found my friends I just screamed at one of them I was like 'ABI!!! YOU LOOK SO NICE' and she was kind of like 'INAYAH YOU LOOK AMAZING' haha! She did look absolutely gorgeous though! And she had a ring which looks just like Kate Middleton's engagement ring!! It was amazing because she and I are huge royalists haha!!

As we walked into the room and got settled at our table, we had to think about who we would vote for as 'best dressed male' and 'best dressed female'. I voted for Abi as best dressed female hehe :) Unfortunately, she didn't win but the male I voted for did win :).

The starters were promptly served and it was tomato soup with basil. It wasn't the best tomato soup I've ever had although on boy on my table ate about 3 bowls of it!! I didn't even finish one! Anyway nest up was the main course. I had the vegetarian option which wasn't too appealing. It consisted of boiled carrots, tagliatelle verdi, some vegetables that I had never had before (apart from the mushrooms) and something which looked like yorkshire pudding but wasn't quite that and it looked like potato but I don't think it was that either! I had a couple of bites of the food but didn't even manage to eat half of the dish! While we were eating my friend Abi managed to drop some chicken but luckily it fell on the napkin! haha!! I also magaed to dip part of my bracelet in the soup!

After the main course, we decided to queue up to have our photos taken. The deal was that we would get one free photo and you could either buy 1 photo for £5 or 2 photos for £8. I left with 3 photos because I went for 2 photos for £8. I was really happy with how the photos turned out, I think everyone was.

Dessert was chocolate tart with raspberry coulis, a dollop of cream and half a strawberry. It was very tasty but I couldn't finish it because the chocolate was a bit too rich! I ate the strawberry though :D hehe

Then, after a few speeches from the teachers, everyone made their way to the dance floor and had a little dance. Me and Abi decided to head outside into the garden because we couldn't dance to some of the music haha!! We took a few pictures on our cameras whilst we were outside. It was a lovely little set up with small tables and chairs which came in handy when our feet were absolutely killing and needed a rest!!

The night was good, I think everyone had a really good time and it was lovely to see everyone glammed up and enjoying themselves. For me, the best part of the night was when the S Club 7 song 'Reach for the stars' came on and me and Abi didn't stop dancing and singing!! It was just great to see everyone so happy and excited!!

By the end of the night I felt like my feet were ready to fall off and I was having trouble walking. Thankfully they have recovered!!

I will post the pictures as soon as I get them through because I don't want to put the ones of me and my friends up haha! :P

My conclusion of that night: after hard work you should always enjoy yourself. Never give up an opportunity to let your hair down after you have focussed on nothing but work for so long. If you're still in school, make sure you DO go to your prom! :D

Thursday 30 June 2011

It's tomorrow!

Aaaaahh... It's my prom tomorrow! I am so excited! I can't wait to see all my friends glammed up!! One of my friend is wearing a ring which looks like Princess Diana's engagement ring (now Kate Middleton's ring)! I can't wait to see it sparkling under the disco lights :D

I'm wearing a royal blue dress with silver detail on and the style is asian/english. It's not too over the top but it stands out.. does that make any sense? I also have white shoes, a white bag with silver diamantes, and I am wearing earrings and a bracelet which has a ring attached to it. I will post pictures of all my stuff on my blog on saturday. 

I am honestly soo excited!! I had acrylic nails done today; I went for the standard white tips because I didn't want to look to done up! I'm planning on having my hair up but not slapped back, I want to look elegant so my make-up is going to be a simple bit of eyeshadow, very light foundation, a light mascara and eyeliner.

My transport to prom is a Jaguar XF. It's not the flashiest car in the world but I quite like it :D hehe. After all, it is supposed to be about what I want isn't it?

I'm lucky enough to be able to get a family friend to come over and take photos before I leave my house so from about 6 o'clock, I will be having photos taken at home and then when I get to the venue for my prom I will be having more photos taken. I'm sure I will feel like a celebrity. Me and my friend Abi (much love to her) joke about how everyone will be queuing up to have their photo taken with us because we will look so glam! haha!! 

The 2 parts of prom which I CANNOT wait for are the announcement of prom king and queen and the part where the balloons will fall from the ceiling. It's going to be awesome!! (Yes I'm still a child at heart) .

I'm sure tomorrow is going to be great night to remember and I'm hoping to get some great photos with people so I can remember who looked great :D

I will post a blog about what happened on the night, who over done the spray tan and any other memorable moments! 

I can't wait until tomorrow! What a way to welcome in July hey?!?! :D

Monday 27 June 2011

Hello Sunshine!

The weather has been beautiful today!! It made such a change to the usual drab and dreary english weather!! The sun was out for some of the day and it has been warm throughout. Although, I'm not too keen on the humidity because it make you feel kinda sticky and well.. groggy (if that makes sense?!).

However, I did get to wear a dress WITHOUT tights today because I wasn't worried about the need to keep my legs warm!! Even when it rained I didn't worry too much because the rain was warm yet refreshing. Like a cup of tea I suppose! Although I didn't drink the rain or add milk & sugar to it! haha

I hope it stays warm for  few days now but I just hope that its not as stuffy. I like the heat when it is accompanied by a lovely breeze because it keeps you cool. But I guess I will have to make friends with a few bottles of water and hope that they keep me cool!!

The evening are the worst times for this type of weather though. They feel stuffy. At the moment, I feel like I am stuck in a clouded box with no wait out! HELP! I just hope I can sleep tonight, although I doubt that I will be able to!!

I guess I will just have to enjoy this weather while it lasts.. I do live in England so this weather to me is like sweets to a disciplined child, rare and exciting!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Sweaty, sunny and stinky.

What a day! The weather has been great all day today! But that just made my day a whole lot worse!! I was working as a waitress today but it wasn't in a restaurant or anything like that. It was at a wedding, an asian wedding. Its a good job t do at times because you just turn up on the day and after the job's over you never have to relive it (unless you got into trouble).

So anyway, today the job was in Coventry and oh gosh it was hectic!! The usual function co-ordinator wasn't there so someone else took charge and it got quite confusing when there were about 3 people telling us to do 3 different things. Anyway, we soon figured out what had to be done and got on with it. I had to help refill the reception drinks which was pretty easy but then when it got to serving the food, I was pushed  harder. You see, I have really thin and weak wrists so it is sometimes difficult for me to carry heavy items (I'm generally weak anyway) and today, when serving the main course, I had to carry a large tray which had 5 full metal bowls on. That was hard because not only was it heavy but, the space moving around in the function room was very limited and it was hard to see if there was anyone around the corner so if you went too fast with this tray full of food, there would be a catastrophe!

Luckily nobody dropped anything (apart from the odd knife or fork) and the serving of food ran quite smoothly.

I found it quite disgusting how much I was actually sweating today. It was extremely hot today, there were approximately 400 guests in a room which wasn't very airy and I was walking (usually quite fast) around the place. To make things worse, I hadn't had a drink since about half 10 in the morning and it was now about half 3. I was dehydrated.

Clearing the tables proved to be a challenge, Sweaty palms, heavy ceramic plates and weak hands do not go well together. I was carrying about 6 plates at a time with a bunch of knifes and forks + (smelly) food on. I won't describe the state of my WHITE shirt at the end, the food was curry, rice and ice cream for dessert, yeah, you get the picture right? Anyway the plates and sweaty palms... I thought I was going to drop a whole load of plates at one point.. it didn't help that the walk from the function room to the kitchen was like an obstacle course made of children, tables and chairs!

Anyway, I managed to clear up the 5 tables I was assigned and didn't drop any plates. The state of the kitchen was dreadful! There were plates everywhere!! I feel sorry for the boy who was sorting them out into the dishwasher! He must be glad he didn't have to wash them!!

The day was tiring, I was VERY sweaty and stinky too because the curry had rubbed off from a few plates onto my shirt and it was also on my hands! Although I was pleased when I managed to grab myself 2 cups of 'Fanta' :)

But the bowl of coco pops which I had for dinner were lovely, refreshing and nourishing! YUM!

Now go grab yourself a hanky and wipe away that sweat yeah, I know it was hard work reading about my hard work! haha :D

Friday 24 June 2011

JLS Make Me Wanna...

The official fan video for 'She Makes Me Wanna' by JLS ft Dev has been shown today and it is pretty damn cool (if I may say so myself). Some of the ideas which a lot of the fans came up with are so innovative and unique. It was nice to see something other than people dancing around or miming the words of a song out of time. 

I think it was a real great opportunity for fans to be involved in another fan video (there was one for Love You more). The Love You More fan video was shown on tour and it would be nice to see this one shown on tour too because it gives fans a chance to realize that JLS really do appreciate what the fans do for them. It will also gives people, who might not be huge JLS fans, to realize how dedicated some fans are because it took time and effort to record short clips for the fan video. I'd like to be sat/stood next to someone who was actually in the video just so I could say 'that's awesome' to them :D hehe

I'm sure JLS loved the video and I'm sure fans had a blast of a time recording the clips! Congratulations to everyone that got to be in the video!! It is AMAZING!!

Here's a link to the video >> http://www.vevo.com/watch/jls/she-makes-me-wanna/GB1101100311?source=carousel&position=1

hope you enjoy it :) 

Something new every time

Walking down the streets of the little town I live in is a new experience each day. Besides the usual greetings of dog poo on street corners and the polluting cars on the main roads, some things I see are different everyday.

Today I saw a car with the sticker 'everyday I'm shuffling' stuck on the back with two stick men doing the shuffle! It was so funny when I saw it and I just HAD to tweet about it haha!! Then, when I was taking my usual route to collect my sister, a man walked past me and laughed hysterically. I had no idea what he was laughing at and at first I thought it was something on my face but it wasn't, he was just slightly weird.

There also seemed to be a surge of school children today. I know that there are usually a few school children around 4 o'clock but today there seemed to be so many! I was slightly confused! Then, I walked past a young girl on a bike who sang something along the lines of 'my satisfaction' I thought to myself what?! I'm not too sure what songs she had been listening to but I know that when I was her age, I never listened to songs with those kind of lyrics!!

I did overhear a conversation between two girls and one mentioned how she wanted to be a midwife. She went on to say 'I don't want to be a nurse, I want to be a midwife' and then her friend said 'ew, children' when she is merely a child herself. That actually made me laugh, yes I am easily pleased!

From then onwards I didn't experience any weird occurrences. But the night is young and the crowd go wild... not sure why I said that! haha

On the plus side.. I got paid for some work I done a few weeks ago so I will be going into town on a little shopping trip soon!! Hoorah for the high street haha!!

I even got a free 'duo eyeliner' in a magazine yesterday! I put it on today and was pleasantly surprised at it's quality! Woo hoo! I love how there is always a different free gift in magazines! It rocks! :D

Thursday 23 June 2011

Just another day with a touch of sprinkles...

Today felt like a productive day. The morning brought, what seemed like, torrential rainfall and a lovely bowl of porridge :D oh yes, I am a fan of porridge but I need a lovely cup of tea to go with it! haha! After breakfast I decided to do a bit of housework because I'm a domestic goddess ;) Then I decided to take my sister into town because I know how much we both love shopping!

I saw a few nice pieces in the shops and found this really nice outfit in Next for my little sister. I will be buying that this weekend! I also saw a nice pair of trousers in TopShop which will soon find themselves hanging in my wardrobe :D

I so nice to my sister today that I even bought her a fudge bar from the shop. Honestly, if you were my sister you'd get so many treats! haha!

After having a bite to eat for lunch I decided to make yet ANOTHER cake with my sister and because there was some cake mix left over, we managed to make 3 cupcakes with a twist. The twist was that we put green food dye in them! They looked and tasted really great!

Tea time: a lovely cup of tea, some cake and a fight with my sister. After we decorated the cake with buttercream and sprinkles, my sister and I had a cup f tea, a piece of cake and decided to have a little fight. I took her doll, she pulled my hair, jumped on my back and then snatched her doll of me and attempted to throw it at me. I say attempted because it actually landed in the cake plate and the doll has a lovely covering on pink buttercream on its toes! Oh and a touch of sprinkles ;)

I must admit, that was really funny but my mum thought differently. Oh well, you only live once hey?! haha

I decided to light an oil burner today, I was easily amused by the fact that the scent travelled so rapidly and I really annoyed my mum when I kept sniffing the air. I just couldn't resist the smell of mango and something else... not too sure what else.. haha!

Then the evening came and it was just the usual, dinner with the family, watch some TV.

Oh I forgot to mention, my brother passed his driving test, he couldn't stop talking about it. Although, it was his 3rd attempt, I argue that I would have passed first time round but then I'm adopted (so he tells me) so he would never pass first time round... I hope you get that joke, if not, it really isn't worth explaining.

Anyway, after dinner, me, my brother and sister played on the wii fit. My brother failed miserably whilst attempting to header the footballs, even my sister beat him! All that playing must have tired her out because she went up to bed and I didn't hear a peep from her after! Sleep well sis mwaahh!

Now, my candle is burning away and my bowl of sweets is beginning to look empty (woops!) But I will be sure to enjoy the comfort of my bed tonight! After brushing my teeth of course!!!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

It's all over, but it's a new start...

I finished school recently. My last exam was n the 14th of June and it was a 1 hour 30 minute long history exam. It wasn't that bad though!

I still cant believe I have left school forever now! It's such a step forward and it feels like such a relief! I'm so excited to start my a-levels in september! It'll be a nice change, I just hope that i still se a few familiar faces in college, I'm sure I will, but it will be nice to have see some old faces in new places because i guess it just gives you that reassurance of people being there, making you feel comfortable. I guess it's like when you sleep at a hotel, you will always have a pillow and a blanket on the bed to make you comfortable. Do you understand my analogy? I do hope so :D

I guess for me, leaving school was a little bit emotional. Although I didn't cry, I was, in some ways, sad to say goodbye to my school. I think it was more because of what's been going on at my school over the past year because we got turned into an academy at the end of 2010 so, for a year I wasn't a student of 'Manor Park' , I was a student of 'The Nuneaton Academy' and it was just quite sad how the memories of Manor Park had been taken away. However, I will always remember my school as Manor Park, that's just the way it is.

Knowing that my school will be knocked down soon was also quite sad. There are so many memories locked up behind the doors of that school. They will always be in my heart though I guess (I know that sounds cheesy... sorry!!). One thing I will never forget is 'sitting on the bus' haha! Me and my friends used to sit on the steps and it would look as though we were sitting on a bus! haha! I don't think I'l ever forget that!

I loved getting people to sign my leavers book! Even though not many people signed it! haha :D One friend of mine wrote 18 pages in my book, and to top it all off, she drew a picture of me and Marvin (from JLS) in it! It was frikkin awesome!! I also cried at what another friend wrote in my book because she had been through a tough year and she mentioned how i had been there for her and that 'pulled on my heart strings' :D. Much love to all the people who wrote in my leavers book.. I'll never forget you <3

The leavers assembly we had at school was pretty cool... I got the award for 'person most likely to become a millionaire legally' along with a lovely silver sparkly pen! haha, it was from my english teacher, she told me to use it when I'm signing all my 'big cheques' lol! Oh, and my friend got 2nd place on 'most fanciable female' I was like waheeyyy! Check you out! It's funny because we alway joke about how we will be future supermodels! haha! We even practiced our catwalk out of our english lesson, the teacher was bedazzled by our actions! I think she was secretly jealous! haha!

My school memories will definitely last forever, honestly, if you're reading this and you're still at school, my advice to you is to make the most of it. No matter what people may say about you, even if they call you a geek or you get labelled a geek, make sure you concentrate on your work. But make sure you get the balance right between work and play because all work is never good. Work really hard during the week days and let loose a little on the weekend. Then, when sunday night comes, focus again, get back into school mode and be the only person to say 'monday morning, here I come' because trust me, I done that and it made monday mornings so much easier! Just make sure you always do enough to ensure you have no regrets, it will be worth it!!

So, now that school is over I am trying to make the most of my summer holidays. I jumped out of a plane last week, went bungee jumping on monday and went on one of the UKs fastest roller-coasters... hahaa, just kidding! I wish I did do all of that but sadly I haven't. I've been spending A LOT of my time in town, even though I have no money, and I have been looking for a job. I've also turned myself into a 'domestic goddess' by doing a lot of housework.. I also baked a cake! :D

I'm gonna try and get the most out of my summer holidays though, it's gonna be one of the last times i can enjoy myself to the max! There's no stopping me, I worked hard at school so I'm gonna let loose, there really is NOTHING stopping me.

I love my friends from school and I hope to keep them but at the same time make some new friends at college... It's all love :D

New Look Style The Nation

So last Saturday (18-06-2011) me and two of my friends went down to Middlesex to be in the audience of 'New Look Style The Nation' which is a new program on channel 4. If you've never watched it, tune in on saturdays at around 11:20am.

We got there for about half 9 because we overestimated the amount of people that would be there. We also timed it so that if we got lost we would still get there by 10:00 am but we were lucky enough not to get lost!   Anyway, it was just us 3 and a few others who were there but by about 9:45 am there were a lot more people there and we were beginning to get ready to go into the studio.

When we got into the studio we fund a good place to stand because its not reserved seating or anything, and then waited a while until we had to practice clapping and stuff (sounds silly I know). Sadly me and my friends weren't actually visible on the tele because of the way the studio lights were set. But it didn't bother me too much because i still had a good time! haha!

It was a really good experience and I liked a lot of the outfits which the contestants had styled. There was also a live performance from a band called 'cock and bull kid' and the lead singer had a great voice! Check them out on youtube! :D

Throughout the recording of the shows I learnt a lot about the way 'live' TV shows are recorded. I won't mention the tricks they use because some people might get annoyed/disappointed haha!

I also saw Nick Grimshaw a.k.a Grimmy, Giles Deacon and a few other celebrities. The contestant who got through to the final was Catherine and the outfits she styled were really good! She deserved to win and you could tell she was absolutely over the moon! :D

I had such fun that day and I would definitely love to do something like that again! It was tiring though! Especially for one of my friends who had a ballet exam in manchester the day before and she had to go dancing on the same saturday! But she is quite the energetic person so she didn't put a downer on the mood and I respect her for that :D much love to you Abi! Oh and she made the effort to look lovely :D (she always does) but usually when some people are tired they kind of just throw anything on but she certainly didn't do that!

I slept incredibly well on that saturday but I also had the worst ever headache because I had a braid across the front of my hair and it was pulled really tight! Maybe I shouldn't have chosen that hairstyle? haha! But as i said, it was really enjoyable and I would definitely go again :D

You can apply for tickets by the way, through sro audiences, it's completely free so you have nothing to lose! Go for it, I did :D

Tuesday 21 June 2011

JLS- My inspiration

I am totally in love with JLS. You may have guessed that if you follow me on twitter! I went to see their 3D movie 'Eyes Wide Open' twice :D. The cinema was quite empty the second time round but I still had tonnes of fun. I think I embarrassed my mum but hey, she offered to come! haha!

I've only seen JLS live once but I'm seeing them again at T40TB this year and I actually cannot wait! :D My next mission is to get  DM/tweet off them on twitter and then meet them.... that would be my dream come true and I really believe dreams do come true. JLS are living prove of dreams coming true.

I don't think I've ever been so interested in music before but since JLS popped up on screen on X-Factor, I was kinda hooked I guess. I have other interests too of course, but I'll talk abut them another day. I wanna dedicate this blog to the AMAZING fur boys who go by the name 'JLS'. I think JLS reach out to so many different people in so many different ways. They went from absolutely nothing to millions of girls' everything! So many people have put JLS in the centre of their life and I'm one of those people. I'm currently wearing my JLS hoodie haha! But honestly, JLS have done so much, inspired so many people and the best thing is, everything they do is something they WANT to do for their FANS!

A lot f musical stars these days only do things because their management has told them to do it. They release a new song just because they want money, JLS don't. They do something because their management let them, they release new songs because they want to give their fans something. Now, if you aren't a JLS fan, I hope I've made you realise why JLS are so frikkin awesome! Oh sorry, I haven't? Oh ok well listen up....
JLS have their own charity promoting safe sex amongst teenagers- one of their biggest dreams as to set up their own charity.
They have a 3D Movie which was labelled the best attended UK music cinema event- this means it bet Justin Bieber's film.
JLS sang in the dark because they didn't want to disappoint fans who paid to see them when they were the back up act for Lemar and the lights blacked out.
Marvin slipped on stage in the rain but still performed.

I'm nt gonna carry on because the list will go on for pages and pages. I'm sure you realise by now why JLS are inspiring to so many people. I don't want to go into showbiz or music, I want to be a lawyer. This means I am actually quite academic, this means I need to work hard and put in 100% effort to get the best outcome possible. I WILL do this, partly because I've seen it being done by JLS and I know that 89% effort will NEVER give you the BEST possible outcome. For me, 100% effort should never ever be ignored. It would be like feeding a cat dog food, pointless and a waste of time.

The journey that JLS have took since the X-Factor has been incredible. They are clearly 4 boys who are dedicated, willing and happy. Oristé is helping his mum get through her life as easy as possible. She has MS and her life is hard. But she never gives up either. Everyday she wakes up, she was the one who believed in Oristé, she knew he could do it. Mother's instinct I suppose. And she couldn't have been more right because he made it, oh boy did he make it! Music is Oristé's life! He made it his life. He's truly inspiring.

All four members of JLS conduct themselves so professionally. They never become complacent. There is always something extra they think they can be giving to the fans. Now, I realise that there may come a time when they may be no more songs being produced by JLS but you know what, the memories will remain, the happiness that JLS gave to those millions of people will remain. Nothing will destroy the memories, the tears and the laughter.

The words of wisdom spoken by Aston, Marvin, JB and Oristé will always remain engraved in my heart. Nothing can take them away.

Lots of love to the four boys who inspire me to chase my dreams!