Wednesday 22 June 2011

New Look Style The Nation

So last Saturday (18-06-2011) me and two of my friends went down to Middlesex to be in the audience of 'New Look Style The Nation' which is a new program on channel 4. If you've never watched it, tune in on saturdays at around 11:20am.

We got there for about half 9 because we overestimated the amount of people that would be there. We also timed it so that if we got lost we would still get there by 10:00 am but we were lucky enough not to get lost!   Anyway, it was just us 3 and a few others who were there but by about 9:45 am there were a lot more people there and we were beginning to get ready to go into the studio.

When we got into the studio we fund a good place to stand because its not reserved seating or anything, and then waited a while until we had to practice clapping and stuff (sounds silly I know). Sadly me and my friends weren't actually visible on the tele because of the way the studio lights were set. But it didn't bother me too much because i still had a good time! haha!

It was a really good experience and I liked a lot of the outfits which the contestants had styled. There was also a live performance from a band called 'cock and bull kid' and the lead singer had a great voice! Check them out on youtube! :D

Throughout the recording of the shows I learnt a lot about the way 'live' TV shows are recorded. I won't mention the tricks they use because some people might get annoyed/disappointed haha!

I also saw Nick Grimshaw a.k.a Grimmy, Giles Deacon and a few other celebrities. The contestant who got through to the final was Catherine and the outfits she styled were really good! She deserved to win and you could tell she was absolutely over the moon! :D

I had such fun that day and I would definitely love to do something like that again! It was tiring though! Especially for one of my friends who had a ballet exam in manchester the day before and she had to go dancing on the same saturday! But she is quite the energetic person so she didn't put a downer on the mood and I respect her for that :D much love to you Abi! Oh and she made the effort to look lovely :D (she always does) but usually when some people are tired they kind of just throw anything on but she certainly didn't do that!

I slept incredibly well on that saturday but I also had the worst ever headache because I had a braid across the front of my hair and it was pulled really tight! Maybe I shouldn't have chosen that hairstyle? haha! But as i said, it was really enjoyable and I would definitely go again :D

You can apply for tickets by the way, through sro audiences, it's completely free so you have nothing to lose! Go for it, I did :D

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