Tuesday 21 June 2011

JLS- My inspiration

I am totally in love with JLS. You may have guessed that if you follow me on twitter! I went to see their 3D movie 'Eyes Wide Open' twice :D. The cinema was quite empty the second time round but I still had tonnes of fun. I think I embarrassed my mum but hey, she offered to come! haha!

I've only seen JLS live once but I'm seeing them again at T40TB this year and I actually cannot wait! :D My next mission is to get  DM/tweet off them on twitter and then meet them.... that would be my dream come true and I really believe dreams do come true. JLS are living prove of dreams coming true.

I don't think I've ever been so interested in music before but since JLS popped up on screen on X-Factor, I was kinda hooked I guess. I have other interests too of course, but I'll talk abut them another day. I wanna dedicate this blog to the AMAZING fur boys who go by the name 'JLS'. I think JLS reach out to so many different people in so many different ways. They went from absolutely nothing to millions of girls' everything! So many people have put JLS in the centre of their life and I'm one of those people. I'm currently wearing my JLS hoodie haha! But honestly, JLS have done so much, inspired so many people and the best thing is, everything they do is something they WANT to do for their FANS!

A lot f musical stars these days only do things because their management has told them to do it. They release a new song just because they want money, JLS don't. They do something because their management let them, they release new songs because they want to give their fans something. Now, if you aren't a JLS fan, I hope I've made you realise why JLS are so frikkin awesome! Oh sorry, I haven't? Oh ok well listen up....
JLS have their own charity promoting safe sex amongst teenagers- one of their biggest dreams as to set up their own charity.
They have a 3D Movie which was labelled the best attended UK music cinema event- this means it bet Justin Bieber's film.
JLS sang in the dark because they didn't want to disappoint fans who paid to see them when they were the back up act for Lemar and the lights blacked out.
Marvin slipped on stage in the rain but still performed.

I'm nt gonna carry on because the list will go on for pages and pages. I'm sure you realise by now why JLS are inspiring to so many people. I don't want to go into showbiz or music, I want to be a lawyer. This means I am actually quite academic, this means I need to work hard and put in 100% effort to get the best outcome possible. I WILL do this, partly because I've seen it being done by JLS and I know that 89% effort will NEVER give you the BEST possible outcome. For me, 100% effort should never ever be ignored. It would be like feeding a cat dog food, pointless and a waste of time.

The journey that JLS have took since the X-Factor has been incredible. They are clearly 4 boys who are dedicated, willing and happy. Oristé is helping his mum get through her life as easy as possible. She has MS and her life is hard. But she never gives up either. Everyday she wakes up, she was the one who believed in Oristé, she knew he could do it. Mother's instinct I suppose. And she couldn't have been more right because he made it, oh boy did he make it! Music is Oristé's life! He made it his life. He's truly inspiring.

All four members of JLS conduct themselves so professionally. They never become complacent. There is always something extra they think they can be giving to the fans. Now, I realise that there may come a time when they may be no more songs being produced by JLS but you know what, the memories will remain, the happiness that JLS gave to those millions of people will remain. Nothing will destroy the memories, the tears and the laughter.

The words of wisdom spoken by Aston, Marvin, JB and Oristé will always remain engraved in my heart. Nothing can take them away.

Lots of love to the four boys who inspire me to chase my dreams!

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