Friday 24 June 2011

Something new every time

Walking down the streets of the little town I live in is a new experience each day. Besides the usual greetings of dog poo on street corners and the polluting cars on the main roads, some things I see are different everyday.

Today I saw a car with the sticker 'everyday I'm shuffling' stuck on the back with two stick men doing the shuffle! It was so funny when I saw it and I just HAD to tweet about it haha!! Then, when I was taking my usual route to collect my sister, a man walked past me and laughed hysterically. I had no idea what he was laughing at and at first I thought it was something on my face but it wasn't, he was just slightly weird.

There also seemed to be a surge of school children today. I know that there are usually a few school children around 4 o'clock but today there seemed to be so many! I was slightly confused! Then, I walked past a young girl on a bike who sang something along the lines of 'my satisfaction' I thought to myself what?! I'm not too sure what songs she had been listening to but I know that when I was her age, I never listened to songs with those kind of lyrics!!

I did overhear a conversation between two girls and one mentioned how she wanted to be a midwife. She went on to say 'I don't want to be a nurse, I want to be a midwife' and then her friend said 'ew, children' when she is merely a child herself. That actually made me laugh, yes I am easily pleased!

From then onwards I didn't experience any weird occurrences. But the night is young and the crowd go wild... not sure why I said that! haha

On the plus side.. I got paid for some work I done a few weeks ago so I will be going into town on a little shopping trip soon!! Hoorah for the high street haha!!

I even got a free 'duo eyeliner' in a magazine yesterday! I put it on today and was pleasantly surprised at it's quality! Woo hoo! I love how there is always a different free gift in magazines! It rocks! :D

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