Thursday 23 June 2011

Just another day with a touch of sprinkles...

Today felt like a productive day. The morning brought, what seemed like, torrential rainfall and a lovely bowl of porridge :D oh yes, I am a fan of porridge but I need a lovely cup of tea to go with it! haha! After breakfast I decided to do a bit of housework because I'm a domestic goddess ;) Then I decided to take my sister into town because I know how much we both love shopping!

I saw a few nice pieces in the shops and found this really nice outfit in Next for my little sister. I will be buying that this weekend! I also saw a nice pair of trousers in TopShop which will soon find themselves hanging in my wardrobe :D

I so nice to my sister today that I even bought her a fudge bar from the shop. Honestly, if you were my sister you'd get so many treats! haha!

After having a bite to eat for lunch I decided to make yet ANOTHER cake with my sister and because there was some cake mix left over, we managed to make 3 cupcakes with a twist. The twist was that we put green food dye in them! They looked and tasted really great!

Tea time: a lovely cup of tea, some cake and a fight with my sister. After we decorated the cake with buttercream and sprinkles, my sister and I had a cup f tea, a piece of cake and decided to have a little fight. I took her doll, she pulled my hair, jumped on my back and then snatched her doll of me and attempted to throw it at me. I say attempted because it actually landed in the cake plate and the doll has a lovely covering on pink buttercream on its toes! Oh and a touch of sprinkles ;)

I must admit, that was really funny but my mum thought differently. Oh well, you only live once hey?! haha

I decided to light an oil burner today, I was easily amused by the fact that the scent travelled so rapidly and I really annoyed my mum when I kept sniffing the air. I just couldn't resist the smell of mango and something else... not too sure what else.. haha!

Then the evening came and it was just the usual, dinner with the family, watch some TV.

Oh I forgot to mention, my brother passed his driving test, he couldn't stop talking about it. Although, it was his 3rd attempt, I argue that I would have passed first time round but then I'm adopted (so he tells me) so he would never pass first time round... I hope you get that joke, if not, it really isn't worth explaining.

Anyway, after dinner, me, my brother and sister played on the wii fit. My brother failed miserably whilst attempting to header the footballs, even my sister beat him! All that playing must have tired her out because she went up to bed and I didn't hear a peep from her after! Sleep well sis mwaahh!

Now, my candle is burning away and my bowl of sweets is beginning to look empty (woops!) But I will be sure to enjoy the comfort of my bed tonight! After brushing my teeth of course!!!

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