Wednesday 22 June 2011

It's all over, but it's a new start...

I finished school recently. My last exam was n the 14th of June and it was a 1 hour 30 minute long history exam. It wasn't that bad though!

I still cant believe I have left school forever now! It's such a step forward and it feels like such a relief! I'm so excited to start my a-levels in september! It'll be a nice change, I just hope that i still se a few familiar faces in college, I'm sure I will, but it will be nice to have see some old faces in new places because i guess it just gives you that reassurance of people being there, making you feel comfortable. I guess it's like when you sleep at a hotel, you will always have a pillow and a blanket on the bed to make you comfortable. Do you understand my analogy? I do hope so :D

I guess for me, leaving school was a little bit emotional. Although I didn't cry, I was, in some ways, sad to say goodbye to my school. I think it was more because of what's been going on at my school over the past year because we got turned into an academy at the end of 2010 so, for a year I wasn't a student of 'Manor Park' , I was a student of 'The Nuneaton Academy' and it was just quite sad how the memories of Manor Park had been taken away. However, I will always remember my school as Manor Park, that's just the way it is.

Knowing that my school will be knocked down soon was also quite sad. There are so many memories locked up behind the doors of that school. They will always be in my heart though I guess (I know that sounds cheesy... sorry!!). One thing I will never forget is 'sitting on the bus' haha! Me and my friends used to sit on the steps and it would look as though we were sitting on a bus! haha! I don't think I'l ever forget that!

I loved getting people to sign my leavers book! Even though not many people signed it! haha :D One friend of mine wrote 18 pages in my book, and to top it all off, she drew a picture of me and Marvin (from JLS) in it! It was frikkin awesome!! I also cried at what another friend wrote in my book because she had been through a tough year and she mentioned how i had been there for her and that 'pulled on my heart strings' :D. Much love to all the people who wrote in my leavers book.. I'll never forget you <3

The leavers assembly we had at school was pretty cool... I got the award for 'person most likely to become a millionaire legally' along with a lovely silver sparkly pen! haha, it was from my english teacher, she told me to use it when I'm signing all my 'big cheques' lol! Oh, and my friend got 2nd place on 'most fanciable female' I was like waheeyyy! Check you out! It's funny because we alway joke about how we will be future supermodels! haha! We even practiced our catwalk out of our english lesson, the teacher was bedazzled by our actions! I think she was secretly jealous! haha!

My school memories will definitely last forever, honestly, if you're reading this and you're still at school, my advice to you is to make the most of it. No matter what people may say about you, even if they call you a geek or you get labelled a geek, make sure you concentrate on your work. But make sure you get the balance right between work and play because all work is never good. Work really hard during the week days and let loose a little on the weekend. Then, when sunday night comes, focus again, get back into school mode and be the only person to say 'monday morning, here I come' because trust me, I done that and it made monday mornings so much easier! Just make sure you always do enough to ensure you have no regrets, it will be worth it!!

So, now that school is over I am trying to make the most of my summer holidays. I jumped out of a plane last week, went bungee jumping on monday and went on one of the UKs fastest roller-coasters... hahaa, just kidding! I wish I did do all of that but sadly I haven't. I've been spending A LOT of my time in town, even though I have no money, and I have been looking for a job. I've also turned myself into a 'domestic goddess' by doing a lot of housework.. I also baked a cake! :D

I'm gonna try and get the most out of my summer holidays though, it's gonna be one of the last times i can enjoy myself to the max! There's no stopping me, I worked hard at school so I'm gonna let loose, there really is NOTHING stopping me.

I love my friends from school and I hope to keep them but at the same time make some new friends at college... It's all love :D

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