Sunday 26 June 2011

Sweaty, sunny and stinky.

What a day! The weather has been great all day today! But that just made my day a whole lot worse!! I was working as a waitress today but it wasn't in a restaurant or anything like that. It was at a wedding, an asian wedding. Its a good job t do at times because you just turn up on the day and after the job's over you never have to relive it (unless you got into trouble).

So anyway, today the job was in Coventry and oh gosh it was hectic!! The usual function co-ordinator wasn't there so someone else took charge and it got quite confusing when there were about 3 people telling us to do 3 different things. Anyway, we soon figured out what had to be done and got on with it. I had to help refill the reception drinks which was pretty easy but then when it got to serving the food, I was pushed  harder. You see, I have really thin and weak wrists so it is sometimes difficult for me to carry heavy items (I'm generally weak anyway) and today, when serving the main course, I had to carry a large tray which had 5 full metal bowls on. That was hard because not only was it heavy but, the space moving around in the function room was very limited and it was hard to see if there was anyone around the corner so if you went too fast with this tray full of food, there would be a catastrophe!

Luckily nobody dropped anything (apart from the odd knife or fork) and the serving of food ran quite smoothly.

I found it quite disgusting how much I was actually sweating today. It was extremely hot today, there were approximately 400 guests in a room which wasn't very airy and I was walking (usually quite fast) around the place. To make things worse, I hadn't had a drink since about half 10 in the morning and it was now about half 3. I was dehydrated.

Clearing the tables proved to be a challenge, Sweaty palms, heavy ceramic plates and weak hands do not go well together. I was carrying about 6 plates at a time with a bunch of knifes and forks + (smelly) food on. I won't describe the state of my WHITE shirt at the end, the food was curry, rice and ice cream for dessert, yeah, you get the picture right? Anyway the plates and sweaty palms... I thought I was going to drop a whole load of plates at one point.. it didn't help that the walk from the function room to the kitchen was like an obstacle course made of children, tables and chairs!

Anyway, I managed to clear up the 5 tables I was assigned and didn't drop any plates. The state of the kitchen was dreadful! There were plates everywhere!! I feel sorry for the boy who was sorting them out into the dishwasher! He must be glad he didn't have to wash them!!

The day was tiring, I was VERY sweaty and stinky too because the curry had rubbed off from a few plates onto my shirt and it was also on my hands! Although I was pleased when I managed to grab myself 2 cups of 'Fanta' :)

But the bowl of coco pops which I had for dinner were lovely, refreshing and nourishing! YUM!

Now go grab yourself a hanky and wipe away that sweat yeah, I know it was hard work reading about my hard work! haha :D

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