Friday 14 October 2011

Believe in Yourself

After realising tha your life is what you make it, you want to do nothing but make it right. I've never been quite the confident person and I know it's something I need to work on. But my confidence is a working progress and seeing new faces at college has definitely boosted me up one step. The idea of being with totally new people in practically all of my subjects was pretty daunting but I've told myself from the start that I'm not going to pretend. I'm not going to be they shy one sat alone in the corner anymore because I don't want to be like that. Yeah ok so the first day wasn' great, I barely knew anyone and to be honest I didn't speak to many people but I've made friends in a few classes but only because I told myself I would do it. I became comforted by the belief that I would be able to do it and now, I've done it. I've mixed with all kinds of people in my lessons and I totally love it :)

The work load has been hard but I'm handling it (I hope!!). There are some people who I can already see falling behind, not handing in work and not turning up to lessons on time. I'm glad to say that I'm not one of these people. I've kept up to date with my work and am soon to start a piece of coursework for film studies- a 1500 word essay on 5 minutes of film. It will be hard but I've had enough practice with essay writing for film so I'm confident enough to say I will be able to do it. 

I've followed my gut instinct when being at college. I've learned to just go with it and not wait around but, most importantly, I believe in myself. I believe that if I try my VERY hardest I know that I will do well. I'm going to get the grades I want because I'm going to put in as much work and effort as possible. Nothing's gonna stop me from being at the top. Forget target grades because I want to exceed them. I have all the support I need, teacher family and great friends. As long as I saty on track, their should be no problem. 

So, my message to you? Just go for it, if you want something, go and get it. Don't waste time waiting for someone to come and help you up, just get up and go. It's your life, believe in yourself, set your own goals and go after them. Chase your dreams before its too late, you know you want to, go on, I can see you edging to go so JUST GO!!!!!!

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