Friday 30 September 2011

Aaaaahhh What A Day!!

Sunday 25th September 2011. Train Leaves at 9:55. Destination: LONDON EUSTON!!

Oh yes, LONDON!! Sunday was the day that me and my AMAZING friend Abi went over to London. We had tickets for Buckingham Palace where we could have a tour of the state rooms & see the Royal Wedding Collection!!

We got to the train station around 9:45am and waited for our train to get to the platform. When it arrived, we sat our little butts down and got ready to have a great day; one which we will remember for quite a while!!

The journey was ok. There was a group of men sat next to us who were drinking beer and it kind of smelled but it was managable. I did feel a bit sick on the way but no vomit so it wall ALL good :)

We reached London at about 11:30. This was great timing because we had enough time to catch the tubes to take us to where we needed to go and we still had pleanty of time until our tour of the Palace which started at 1:00 pm. We got to the palace at about 12/12:15 and so we decided to sit in the park and have a little snack and rest. When it got to about 12:45, we went back to the entrance for the palace tour and swiftly made our way in.

We went through the security check and of course it just HAD to beep on Abi. Not me though, obviously her metallic structure is a problem.. hahaa.

We got our audio tours and made our way through. The entire palace was just AMAZING, like nothing I have ever seen before!! And the Royal Wedding Collection, well don't get me started on that, amazing, jut amazing!! So much detail ad thought went into everything!! When you hear about the ins and outs of the AMAZING wedding dress you realise jut how amazing it is!! Wow, just WOW!!

We also got to see the 'Royal Fabergé' collection which was OUTSTANDING!! So many little figurines and amazing pieces with so much detail and precision!! A favourite of mine was a little indian elephant with a man sat on top. It was SO small but yet nothing was missed. Every last wrinkle was on the elephant!!

So, after the tour, we made our way out of the palace and walked over to Clarence House. We didn't really get close to it due to the security and guards but it was nice to see it in real life haha!! After seeing Clarence House, we went over to a park and decided where we would go next. We also managed to see a few little squirrels!!

Next up, we made our way over to see Big Ben and big it was!! We only saw it from a distance but we were close enough to see how amazingly big it is!! There were a few of those annoying chinese tourists around so we quickly made our way to the underground as we were now heading to Covent Garden!

We very nearly got lost but we soon realised we were looking at the wrong tube direction thingy and found the right one!! So, when we got to Covent Garden, we looked for Lilly Allen's shop 'Lucy In Disguise' but we failed to find it and we actually got really frustrated!! But at least we tried!

After we this, we were slightly stuck about where to go. We had about 2 hours before our train home and we needed something to do so, we stopped for a hot chocolate in Starbucks and then made our way into our future. Yep, that's right, our future.
But before we got there, we were rudely interrupter by a lady trying to give us free tickets to a 'film' about why people are paranoid. She wouldn't take no for an answer!! Silly woman!!

Next Stop: RADA & UCL.

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art & University College London. The university Abi inspires to go to and the university I inspire to go to. AND it just so happens that they are only a 5 minute walk away from one another!! Pretty cool I know and to top things off, there is a hospital right near the two universities so  we know we are safe if we decide to go to the universities!!

So, after being wowed by our universities, we looked at our clocks and realised it was half 6!! We needed to be at Euston train station for 7 and we were running late!! The next 20 minutes were a mad rush on and off tubes but we reached Euston train station in good time and we even beat the train!! haha!!

We sat on the train when it arrived and had a relaxing journey back! Our feet were just about to fall off when we got on the train but it was DEFINITELY worth it!! We had such an amazing day and I would more than love to do it again!!!

I'm so glad I have such an amazing friend to share such an experience with!! :D

I cannot wait until something like this happens again!!!!!!!!!!!

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