Tuesday 12 July 2011

T4 On The Beach

Weston-Supermare.... the base for one of the biggest festival of the year.. T4 On The Beach and this year, I was lucky enough to get myself some tickets to go there!!

I arrived at Weston-Supermare on Saturday 9th July, a day before the actual event. I spent the day on the beach waiting by the railing which separated me from the backstage area of T4 and I managed to catch a glimpse of a few celebrities such as Dappy and Tulisa from N-Dubz, Rick Edwards the T4 presenter (I stood next to him :D), I also saw girl band Parade and a few members from boy band The Wanted. After about half 6 I began to head back to my hotel as I had enough of hearing Nicola Roberts constantly rehearsing 'Beat of my Drum' haha! I did get to hear Katy B, Jason Derulo and Midnight Beast do their soundcheck :)

When I got back to my hotel room I had a shower, which was unpleasantly freezing, and I prepped my hair for Sunday. Then I watched a bit of television and hit my pillow because it was an early start for me the next day.

Sunday morning 5 am: Time to wake up and get ready for a VERY long day. I shot right out of bed when I heard my alarm because, although I had a long day ahead, I was extremely excited! More so for the fact that I was going to see JLS again haha!

Anyway, I managed to get ready in about 45 minutes which was like a record breaker for me and I got all my stuff together and dumped my bags in the car and headed off to the beach to queue up to get into the T4 area. I got there at about half 6 and was quite close to the front of the queue. At about 7 the queues began to get really big and I began to think how lucky I was to be at the spot where I was. The people at the very front of the queue had been camping just so they could get the spot at the very front of the crowd. It really made me think 'wow, these people are so dedicated' I thought getting up at 5 was bad enough, I admire them for camping out on the cold and windy beach!

At around 8am, people began to get restless and tired and everyone just wanted the gates to be opened so we could kick start the show and enjoy the rest of our day. But soon, Georgie, the T4 presenter, came out to film clips showing the build up to T4 on The Beach and the crowds went wild when she walked past with director telling the crowds when to cheer and when we were live on channel 4. It was very exciting and gave a taster to how exciting the day would be.

Whilst waiting in the queue I heard the lovely Olly Murs doing his soundcheck, it was great because everyone was singing along to his songs, dancing and cheering. Then next up to soundcheck were the one and only, yep... you guessed it, JLS! I heard them singing 'Beat Again' and 'Everybody In Love' I couldn't stop smiling and singing and when I first heard them, I'm pretty sure I screamed a little! It was nice when everyone was singing along to their songs!! About 10 minutes into JLS' soundcheck, the gates were opened. Everyone tried to rush forward and I saw the queues around me swiftly moving forward. 'Why aren't we moving?' I thought. All I could wee were crowds forming around the stage and there I was, still stood in the queue. It turned out the security checking our queue in were very slow and were thoroughly checking everyones bag. Luckily I took a very small bag so I didn't hold the queue up too much!!

When I passed the gate, I attempted running but saw security stooping others from running for safety reasons so I decided t walk instead. I still managed to get a spot close to the front on the left hand side of the stage.

Then came the news I never expected to hear. I couldn't believe it when I heard it, JLS were cancelled. I was totally gutted. I nearly cried but held back the tears because I knew I would look a fool if I cried! I just counted my blessings because i got to hear them do a bit of their soundcheck so I did hear their voices and I caught a glimpse of them from far :) It was all explained that the problems holding them back from performing were production problems, totally out of the band's control.

So, as JLS were supposed to be the first act to perform, the now first act was Olly Murs who totally blew the crowd away with his amazing vocals and dancing! He was amazing!!

All the acts were amazing. My favourites were Midnight Beast, Olly Murs and Alexis Jordan. But all in all everyone was brilliant and I managed to get so many great pictures of all the acts :)

The sun held out well for us too and by the end of the day, many people had sunburn and unfortunately many people failed to keep themselves topped up with fluid and fainted. Luckily the stewards and paramedics saved the day and as far as I know, everyone was ok. The stewards also handed out cups of water to people who asked for it which helped a lot!

Towards the end of the performances, I managed to get even closer to the stage which meant a better view and better pictures, that made the 4 hour wait worth it!!

Traffic on the way back was horrendous and it took about an hour to get out of Weston-Supermare alone! All together, it took 5 hours for me to get home!! I was starving when I got home because all I had eaten was a few spoonfuls of coco pops and a couple of sweets but I really couldn't be bothered to eat. It was past midnight and I was tired so my bed seemed like the best option!

I had a totally great weekend and I would love to do it all again but I just don't know wether I will have the chance to. Let's hope I do hey?!

That's how close I was to Rick Edwards
[Tilt your head] It's Olly Murs
I would highly recommend going to T4 On The Beach to anyone who like the wound of the acts performing there. The atmosphere is brilliant and everyone gets so involved and enjoys it a lot :) Do be prepared with wellies and prepare to be pushed and shoved a little but honestly, it WILL be worth it. Get there early and you'll get a great spot!
For all you The Wanted fans

Turn It Louder.. It's Parade
N-Dubz gave a great erformance.

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