Sunday 3 July 2011


It was my prom n Friday 1st July and my gosh it was amazing!! I had such an amazing day and it panned out exactly how I thought it would!

Preparations began at about 2:15pm when I got my hair done. It took about 45 minutes to get my hair done. I had it all up in a bun type style with a 'bee hive' (that when you back comb your hair to make it puffed up) and I put a white flower clip in my hair to add effect. My hairstyle was different to the usual 'half up half down' hairstyle that people usually choose to prom. After having my hair done, I headed home. I got home at about 4:00pm because I travelled about half an hour to get my hair done and had to stop at a few shops on the way home. So when I got home, I started to do my make up. That took about half an hour. After that, I just relaxed for a bit and had a cup of tea :)

When it got to about 6:00pm I got my dress on and had a few pictures taken with my family. I should get the pictures through soon so I will post them when I get them. :)

Then I just had to wait for the car t come and pick me up. I went in a black Jaguar XF. Very nice car! I got to the prom venue for about 7:35pm. Pretty much everyone was already there so I felt awkward walking past everyone to try and find my friends! haha!

As I went in I went to one of my teachers who was putting a corsage on everyone. She put one on my dress and commented on how nice I looked. A lot of the teachers were fascinated with the hand jewelry which I wore because it was a bracelet which has a ring attached to it (again I will post the picture when I get it).  Anyway, when I found my friends I just screamed at one of them I was like 'ABI!!! YOU LOOK SO NICE' and she was kind of like 'INAYAH YOU LOOK AMAZING' haha! She did look absolutely gorgeous though! And she had a ring which looks just like Kate Middleton's engagement ring!! It was amazing because she and I are huge royalists haha!!

As we walked into the room and got settled at our table, we had to think about who we would vote for as 'best dressed male' and 'best dressed female'. I voted for Abi as best dressed female hehe :) Unfortunately, she didn't win but the male I voted for did win :).

The starters were promptly served and it was tomato soup with basil. It wasn't the best tomato soup I've ever had although on boy on my table ate about 3 bowls of it!! I didn't even finish one! Anyway nest up was the main course. I had the vegetarian option which wasn't too appealing. It consisted of boiled carrots, tagliatelle verdi, some vegetables that I had never had before (apart from the mushrooms) and something which looked like yorkshire pudding but wasn't quite that and it looked like potato but I don't think it was that either! I had a couple of bites of the food but didn't even manage to eat half of the dish! While we were eating my friend Abi managed to drop some chicken but luckily it fell on the napkin! haha!! I also magaed to dip part of my bracelet in the soup!

After the main course, we decided to queue up to have our photos taken. The deal was that we would get one free photo and you could either buy 1 photo for £5 or 2 photos for £8. I left with 3 photos because I went for 2 photos for £8. I was really happy with how the photos turned out, I think everyone was.

Dessert was chocolate tart with raspberry coulis, a dollop of cream and half a strawberry. It was very tasty but I couldn't finish it because the chocolate was a bit too rich! I ate the strawberry though :D hehe

Then, after a few speeches from the teachers, everyone made their way to the dance floor and had a little dance. Me and Abi decided to head outside into the garden because we couldn't dance to some of the music haha!! We took a few pictures on our cameras whilst we were outside. It was a lovely little set up with small tables and chairs which came in handy when our feet were absolutely killing and needed a rest!!

The night was good, I think everyone had a really good time and it was lovely to see everyone glammed up and enjoying themselves. For me, the best part of the night was when the S Club 7 song 'Reach for the stars' came on and me and Abi didn't stop dancing and singing!! It was just great to see everyone so happy and excited!!

By the end of the night I felt like my feet were ready to fall off and I was having trouble walking. Thankfully they have recovered!!

I will post the pictures as soon as I get them through because I don't want to put the ones of me and my friends up haha! :P

My conclusion of that night: after hard work you should always enjoy yourself. Never give up an opportunity to let your hair down after you have focussed on nothing but work for so long. If you're still in school, make sure you DO go to your prom! :D

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