Friday 19 August 2011

Dying to be thin??

After coming across a webpage which gives tips to girls wishing to become size zeros, I began to think about the harm which people are causing themselves. It's sad to think that people are out there trying to be a size zero. They must be able to see that it's not what a healthy body is about. Depriving your body of food will not help you. Keeping a fast for 30 days, limiting yourself to juice, is dangerous. It upsets me to read thing like this.

Now, you could say that celebrities are the cause of this but, I don't think it is the only cause. Sure the media has a BIG impact on how we live our lives and seeing thin, tall models and celebrities on magazine covers does make us feel uncomfortable in our own bodies sometimes but people are missing the point. Many celebrities have very on-the-go lifestyles. They DO eat but they burn a lot of their calories off by walking from one place to another. Also, the like of Cheryl Cole and The Saturdays do dance. If you look at preparations they have done for music videos, you will see that a lot of it does include dancing and dancing does help to loose weight/maintain weight. People need to take all of these factors into consideration before deciding that they are going to stop eating.

I've never been 100% happy with my size. There are times when I will look in the mirror and think that I'm too fat. I've always thought that my thighs are HUGE and at one point, I did really want to do something about it so I changed my lifestyle and slotted in just half an hour of exercise a day and I began to see a difference. Then I began taking the exercise more seriously. It went from enjoying the exercise to working out how many calories I had burned. I also began counting calories. Then I realized I needed to stop. Luckily it only took me a month to realize that what I was doing wasn't right and I went back to exercising just to keep myself healthy and ever since then, I have began to feel more comfortable with my body. I realized that I wasn't fat. After all, I was only a size 8 and I knew this was normal for my age.

I've started eating a lot healthier now. Previously, I hadn't really been eating much fruit but now I have increased my fruit intake and I only have a packet of crisps about once a month. I've found that this not only makes me feel healthier, but it also makes me feel happier because I know that I am being healthy and my skin feels healthier.

But when I see articles titled 'tips for anorexia' and 'thinspiration' I get very worried. I will look through these articles and think 'wow! look how thin they are' and I will begin to think about myself and my body. Then I think again to myself. I reassure myself and my insecurities are pushed aside because I know that a lot of these girls really are dying to be thin. They're eating one apple throughout a whole day and nothing more. They're looking for ways to stop them gaining weight when they probably weigh half of what I weigh!

There are many people who are genuinely thin and they can eat tonnes of food and they won't put on weight because they have a high metabolism. We must not envy people like that. That's just how they have been made, it's just how their body works. Everyone is unique and we need to remember that. Although keeping healthy is important, we need to get the balance right, O.K stick to a diet, but keep it a healthy diet. Don't cut out fatty foods completely because you need fat to insulate your body. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and enjoy things like cake, crisps and chocolate in moderation. If you stick at your exercise for a month, reward yourself with a chocolate. But do make sure that you take in lots of water whilst exercising. Water is great for your body. It keeps impurities out, it will make your skin look healthier and you will feel a lot more refreshed when you drink it.

So for all you girls, or even boys, out there who aren't happy with your size or shape, just remember, inner beauty counts too. You might not have the perfect body but you could have the perfect personality.

You are amazing, don't you ever ever forget that!!
Adele was the cover girl for the July 2011 issue of GLAMOUR- She isn't a size zero and she looks beautiful!

Every life is worth living. Smile like you've never smiled before, laugh like there's nothing better to do & live like there is no tomorrow. It's your life, don't let anyone take that away from you! 

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