Wednesday 10 August 2011

Just Stop!

Racism is a nasty thing. Judging people on their race is terrible. Just because someone has a different colour skin to you, it doesn't mean they are alien and deserve to be hated upon.

I have experienced racism and I would never wish for anyone to experience it. Being judged by your appearance is extremely hurtful. When it happened to me, I just wanted to change myself. I felt like I wasn't good enough to be around people. I felt like an outsider, I had been pushed out. I couldn't face the people who were racist towards me. What made it worse was that it happened at school and when I plucked up the courage to report it, nothing was done. I had no apology and saw the person again a few days later. It was very difficult to not be scared.

Inflicting racism on any person, young or old, is a horrible thing to do. I never have and never will understand why people do that. Only an ill-minded individual would get joy from doing such a thing.

When I see people being racist to other on twitter, a fire starts within me. I just want to take back the words the person has said and burn them like they never existed. But even by doing that, the victim of the racism may not be able to forget the words of hatred which have been poured upon them.

Racial harmony is something which we may never reach on this world but it would be nice to see people trying. Why should we target communities and groups of the grounds of their race? It does not do good for anyone.

A great song which expresses how everyone should be treated the same is 'Rainbow' by Jessie J. Check it out on youtube here:

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