Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sorry guys :P

Right, so I've been running low on the good ol' blogs but I've honestly been SO busy!!

Most of my days are taken up by college and when I'm not at college I'm doing college work so I'm basically surrounded by college!! It's actually quite frustrating because I dislike college ALOT and the only reason I'm sticking it out is because I need to!! If i could fast forward 2 years and be at university I really would but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!!

So yeah, I've been busy with college and then I've also been busy at home because my mommy is due to have a baby some times this week and she has been in and out of hospital so I've been helping out with looking after my little sister!! It's all a bit hectic in my little world right now!!

I'm currently setting up revision for all of my exams in January at college. I have 3 in total and I also have coursework etc to complete. It's not easy at college no matter what anyone says!! You have to put in SO much work and I've had to put in extra because the teachers at my college are pretty useless at times haha!!

So yeah, as my life goes right now I pretty much have about 5 hours of free time a week or something!! It sucks but I've gotta get on with it!!
I can't wait to have a little break over the christmas holidays but I'm sure a lot of my time will be spent revising!! At least I will have the chance to relax a little though hey?!

Anyway, I think I've bored you enough with my little life story but if you're still reading then congrats to you because I would have zoned out ages ago!! hahah

Blog soon (I hope)

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