Thursday 30 June 2011

It's tomorrow!

Aaaaahh... It's my prom tomorrow! I am so excited! I can't wait to see all my friends glammed up!! One of my friend is wearing a ring which looks like Princess Diana's engagement ring (now Kate Middleton's ring)! I can't wait to see it sparkling under the disco lights :D

I'm wearing a royal blue dress with silver detail on and the style is asian/english. It's not too over the top but it stands out.. does that make any sense? I also have white shoes, a white bag with silver diamantes, and I am wearing earrings and a bracelet which has a ring attached to it. I will post pictures of all my stuff on my blog on saturday. 

I am honestly soo excited!! I had acrylic nails done today; I went for the standard white tips because I didn't want to look to done up! I'm planning on having my hair up but not slapped back, I want to look elegant so my make-up is going to be a simple bit of eyeshadow, very light foundation, a light mascara and eyeliner.

My transport to prom is a Jaguar XF. It's not the flashiest car in the world but I quite like it :D hehe. After all, it is supposed to be about what I want isn't it?

I'm lucky enough to be able to get a family friend to come over and take photos before I leave my house so from about 6 o'clock, I will be having photos taken at home and then when I get to the venue for my prom I will be having more photos taken. I'm sure I will feel like a celebrity. Me and my friend Abi (much love to her) joke about how everyone will be queuing up to have their photo taken with us because we will look so glam! haha!! 

The 2 parts of prom which I CANNOT wait for are the announcement of prom king and queen and the part where the balloons will fall from the ceiling. It's going to be awesome!! (Yes I'm still a child at heart) .

I'm sure tomorrow is going to be great night to remember and I'm hoping to get some great photos with people so I can remember who looked great :D

I will post a blog about what happened on the night, who over done the spray tan and any other memorable moments! 

I can't wait until tomorrow! What a way to welcome in July hey?!?! :D

Monday 27 June 2011

Hello Sunshine!

The weather has been beautiful today!! It made such a change to the usual drab and dreary english weather!! The sun was out for some of the day and it has been warm throughout. Although, I'm not too keen on the humidity because it make you feel kinda sticky and well.. groggy (if that makes sense?!).

However, I did get to wear a dress WITHOUT tights today because I wasn't worried about the need to keep my legs warm!! Even when it rained I didn't worry too much because the rain was warm yet refreshing. Like a cup of tea I suppose! Although I didn't drink the rain or add milk & sugar to it! haha

I hope it stays warm for  few days now but I just hope that its not as stuffy. I like the heat when it is accompanied by a lovely breeze because it keeps you cool. But I guess I will have to make friends with a few bottles of water and hope that they keep me cool!!

The evening are the worst times for this type of weather though. They feel stuffy. At the moment, I feel like I am stuck in a clouded box with no wait out! HELP! I just hope I can sleep tonight, although I doubt that I will be able to!!

I guess I will just have to enjoy this weather while it lasts.. I do live in England so this weather to me is like sweets to a disciplined child, rare and exciting!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Sweaty, sunny and stinky.

What a day! The weather has been great all day today! But that just made my day a whole lot worse!! I was working as a waitress today but it wasn't in a restaurant or anything like that. It was at a wedding, an asian wedding. Its a good job t do at times because you just turn up on the day and after the job's over you never have to relive it (unless you got into trouble).

So anyway, today the job was in Coventry and oh gosh it was hectic!! The usual function co-ordinator wasn't there so someone else took charge and it got quite confusing when there were about 3 people telling us to do 3 different things. Anyway, we soon figured out what had to be done and got on with it. I had to help refill the reception drinks which was pretty easy but then when it got to serving the food, I was pushed  harder. You see, I have really thin and weak wrists so it is sometimes difficult for me to carry heavy items (I'm generally weak anyway) and today, when serving the main course, I had to carry a large tray which had 5 full metal bowls on. That was hard because not only was it heavy but, the space moving around in the function room was very limited and it was hard to see if there was anyone around the corner so if you went too fast with this tray full of food, there would be a catastrophe!

Luckily nobody dropped anything (apart from the odd knife or fork) and the serving of food ran quite smoothly.

I found it quite disgusting how much I was actually sweating today. It was extremely hot today, there were approximately 400 guests in a room which wasn't very airy and I was walking (usually quite fast) around the place. To make things worse, I hadn't had a drink since about half 10 in the morning and it was now about half 3. I was dehydrated.

Clearing the tables proved to be a challenge, Sweaty palms, heavy ceramic plates and weak hands do not go well together. I was carrying about 6 plates at a time with a bunch of knifes and forks + (smelly) food on. I won't describe the state of my WHITE shirt at the end, the food was curry, rice and ice cream for dessert, yeah, you get the picture right? Anyway the plates and sweaty palms... I thought I was going to drop a whole load of plates at one point.. it didn't help that the walk from the function room to the kitchen was like an obstacle course made of children, tables and chairs!

Anyway, I managed to clear up the 5 tables I was assigned and didn't drop any plates. The state of the kitchen was dreadful! There were plates everywhere!! I feel sorry for the boy who was sorting them out into the dishwasher! He must be glad he didn't have to wash them!!

The day was tiring, I was VERY sweaty and stinky too because the curry had rubbed off from a few plates onto my shirt and it was also on my hands! Although I was pleased when I managed to grab myself 2 cups of 'Fanta' :)

But the bowl of coco pops which I had for dinner were lovely, refreshing and nourishing! YUM!

Now go grab yourself a hanky and wipe away that sweat yeah, I know it was hard work reading about my hard work! haha :D

Friday 24 June 2011

JLS Make Me Wanna...

The official fan video for 'She Makes Me Wanna' by JLS ft Dev has been shown today and it is pretty damn cool (if I may say so myself). Some of the ideas which a lot of the fans came up with are so innovative and unique. It was nice to see something other than people dancing around or miming the words of a song out of time. 

I think it was a real great opportunity for fans to be involved in another fan video (there was one for Love You more). The Love You More fan video was shown on tour and it would be nice to see this one shown on tour too because it gives fans a chance to realize that JLS really do appreciate what the fans do for them. It will also gives people, who might not be huge JLS fans, to realize how dedicated some fans are because it took time and effort to record short clips for the fan video. I'd like to be sat/stood next to someone who was actually in the video just so I could say 'that's awesome' to them :D hehe

I'm sure JLS loved the video and I'm sure fans had a blast of a time recording the clips! Congratulations to everyone that got to be in the video!! It is AMAZING!!

Here's a link to the video >>

hope you enjoy it :) 

Something new every time

Walking down the streets of the little town I live in is a new experience each day. Besides the usual greetings of dog poo on street corners and the polluting cars on the main roads, some things I see are different everyday.

Today I saw a car with the sticker 'everyday I'm shuffling' stuck on the back with two stick men doing the shuffle! It was so funny when I saw it and I just HAD to tweet about it haha!! Then, when I was taking my usual route to collect my sister, a man walked past me and laughed hysterically. I had no idea what he was laughing at and at first I thought it was something on my face but it wasn't, he was just slightly weird.

There also seemed to be a surge of school children today. I know that there are usually a few school children around 4 o'clock but today there seemed to be so many! I was slightly confused! Then, I walked past a young girl on a bike who sang something along the lines of 'my satisfaction' I thought to myself what?! I'm not too sure what songs she had been listening to but I know that when I was her age, I never listened to songs with those kind of lyrics!!

I did overhear a conversation between two girls and one mentioned how she wanted to be a midwife. She went on to say 'I don't want to be a nurse, I want to be a midwife' and then her friend said 'ew, children' when she is merely a child herself. That actually made me laugh, yes I am easily pleased!

From then onwards I didn't experience any weird occurrences. But the night is young and the crowd go wild... not sure why I said that! haha

On the plus side.. I got paid for some work I done a few weeks ago so I will be going into town on a little shopping trip soon!! Hoorah for the high street haha!!

I even got a free 'duo eyeliner' in a magazine yesterday! I put it on today and was pleasantly surprised at it's quality! Woo hoo! I love how there is always a different free gift in magazines! It rocks! :D

Thursday 23 June 2011

Just another day with a touch of sprinkles...

Today felt like a productive day. The morning brought, what seemed like, torrential rainfall and a lovely bowl of porridge :D oh yes, I am a fan of porridge but I need a lovely cup of tea to go with it! haha! After breakfast I decided to do a bit of housework because I'm a domestic goddess ;) Then I decided to take my sister into town because I know how much we both love shopping!

I saw a few nice pieces in the shops and found this really nice outfit in Next for my little sister. I will be buying that this weekend! I also saw a nice pair of trousers in TopShop which will soon find themselves hanging in my wardrobe :D

I so nice to my sister today that I even bought her a fudge bar from the shop. Honestly, if you were my sister you'd get so many treats! haha!

After having a bite to eat for lunch I decided to make yet ANOTHER cake with my sister and because there was some cake mix left over, we managed to make 3 cupcakes with a twist. The twist was that we put green food dye in them! They looked and tasted really great!

Tea time: a lovely cup of tea, some cake and a fight with my sister. After we decorated the cake with buttercream and sprinkles, my sister and I had a cup f tea, a piece of cake and decided to have a little fight. I took her doll, she pulled my hair, jumped on my back and then snatched her doll of me and attempted to throw it at me. I say attempted because it actually landed in the cake plate and the doll has a lovely covering on pink buttercream on its toes! Oh and a touch of sprinkles ;)

I must admit, that was really funny but my mum thought differently. Oh well, you only live once hey?! haha

I decided to light an oil burner today, I was easily amused by the fact that the scent travelled so rapidly and I really annoyed my mum when I kept sniffing the air. I just couldn't resist the smell of mango and something else... not too sure what else.. haha!

Then the evening came and it was just the usual, dinner with the family, watch some TV.

Oh I forgot to mention, my brother passed his driving test, he couldn't stop talking about it. Although, it was his 3rd attempt, I argue that I would have passed first time round but then I'm adopted (so he tells me) so he would never pass first time round... I hope you get that joke, if not, it really isn't worth explaining.

Anyway, after dinner, me, my brother and sister played on the wii fit. My brother failed miserably whilst attempting to header the footballs, even my sister beat him! All that playing must have tired her out because she went up to bed and I didn't hear a peep from her after! Sleep well sis mwaahh!

Now, my candle is burning away and my bowl of sweets is beginning to look empty (woops!) But I will be sure to enjoy the comfort of my bed tonight! After brushing my teeth of course!!!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

It's all over, but it's a new start...

I finished school recently. My last exam was n the 14th of June and it was a 1 hour 30 minute long history exam. It wasn't that bad though!

I still cant believe I have left school forever now! It's such a step forward and it feels like such a relief! I'm so excited to start my a-levels in september! It'll be a nice change, I just hope that i still se a few familiar faces in college, I'm sure I will, but it will be nice to have see some old faces in new places because i guess it just gives you that reassurance of people being there, making you feel comfortable. I guess it's like when you sleep at a hotel, you will always have a pillow and a blanket on the bed to make you comfortable. Do you understand my analogy? I do hope so :D

I guess for me, leaving school was a little bit emotional. Although I didn't cry, I was, in some ways, sad to say goodbye to my school. I think it was more because of what's been going on at my school over the past year because we got turned into an academy at the end of 2010 so, for a year I wasn't a student of 'Manor Park' , I was a student of 'The Nuneaton Academy' and it was just quite sad how the memories of Manor Park had been taken away. However, I will always remember my school as Manor Park, that's just the way it is.

Knowing that my school will be knocked down soon was also quite sad. There are so many memories locked up behind the doors of that school. They will always be in my heart though I guess (I know that sounds cheesy... sorry!!). One thing I will never forget is 'sitting on the bus' haha! Me and my friends used to sit on the steps and it would look as though we were sitting on a bus! haha! I don't think I'l ever forget that!

I loved getting people to sign my leavers book! Even though not many people signed it! haha :D One friend of mine wrote 18 pages in my book, and to top it all off, she drew a picture of me and Marvin (from JLS) in it! It was frikkin awesome!! I also cried at what another friend wrote in my book because she had been through a tough year and she mentioned how i had been there for her and that 'pulled on my heart strings' :D. Much love to all the people who wrote in my leavers book.. I'll never forget you <3

The leavers assembly we had at school was pretty cool... I got the award for 'person most likely to become a millionaire legally' along with a lovely silver sparkly pen! haha, it was from my english teacher, she told me to use it when I'm signing all my 'big cheques' lol! Oh, and my friend got 2nd place on 'most fanciable female' I was like waheeyyy! Check you out! It's funny because we alway joke about how we will be future supermodels! haha! We even practiced our catwalk out of our english lesson, the teacher was bedazzled by our actions! I think she was secretly jealous! haha!

My school memories will definitely last forever, honestly, if you're reading this and you're still at school, my advice to you is to make the most of it. No matter what people may say about you, even if they call you a geek or you get labelled a geek, make sure you concentrate on your work. But make sure you get the balance right between work and play because all work is never good. Work really hard during the week days and let loose a little on the weekend. Then, when sunday night comes, focus again, get back into school mode and be the only person to say 'monday morning, here I come' because trust me, I done that and it made monday mornings so much easier! Just make sure you always do enough to ensure you have no regrets, it will be worth it!!

So, now that school is over I am trying to make the most of my summer holidays. I jumped out of a plane last week, went bungee jumping on monday and went on one of the UKs fastest roller-coasters... hahaa, just kidding! I wish I did do all of that but sadly I haven't. I've been spending A LOT of my time in town, even though I have no money, and I have been looking for a job. I've also turned myself into a 'domestic goddess' by doing a lot of housework.. I also baked a cake! :D

I'm gonna try and get the most out of my summer holidays though, it's gonna be one of the last times i can enjoy myself to the max! There's no stopping me, I worked hard at school so I'm gonna let loose, there really is NOTHING stopping me.

I love my friends from school and I hope to keep them but at the same time make some new friends at college... It's all love :D

New Look Style The Nation

So last Saturday (18-06-2011) me and two of my friends went down to Middlesex to be in the audience of 'New Look Style The Nation' which is a new program on channel 4. If you've never watched it, tune in on saturdays at around 11:20am.

We got there for about half 9 because we overestimated the amount of people that would be there. We also timed it so that if we got lost we would still get there by 10:00 am but we were lucky enough not to get lost!   Anyway, it was just us 3 and a few others who were there but by about 9:45 am there were a lot more people there and we were beginning to get ready to go into the studio.

When we got into the studio we fund a good place to stand because its not reserved seating or anything, and then waited a while until we had to practice clapping and stuff (sounds silly I know). Sadly me and my friends weren't actually visible on the tele because of the way the studio lights were set. But it didn't bother me too much because i still had a good time! haha!

It was a really good experience and I liked a lot of the outfits which the contestants had styled. There was also a live performance from a band called 'cock and bull kid' and the lead singer had a great voice! Check them out on youtube! :D

Throughout the recording of the shows I learnt a lot about the way 'live' TV shows are recorded. I won't mention the tricks they use because some people might get annoyed/disappointed haha!

I also saw Nick Grimshaw a.k.a Grimmy, Giles Deacon and a few other celebrities. The contestant who got through to the final was Catherine and the outfits she styled were really good! She deserved to win and you could tell she was absolutely over the moon! :D

I had such fun that day and I would definitely love to do something like that again! It was tiring though! Especially for one of my friends who had a ballet exam in manchester the day before and she had to go dancing on the same saturday! But she is quite the energetic person so she didn't put a downer on the mood and I respect her for that :D much love to you Abi! Oh and she made the effort to look lovely :D (she always does) but usually when some people are tired they kind of just throw anything on but she certainly didn't do that!

I slept incredibly well on that saturday but I also had the worst ever headache because I had a braid across the front of my hair and it was pulled really tight! Maybe I shouldn't have chosen that hairstyle? haha! But as i said, it was really enjoyable and I would definitely go again :D

You can apply for tickets by the way, through sro audiences, it's completely free so you have nothing to lose! Go for it, I did :D

Tuesday 21 June 2011

JLS- My inspiration

I am totally in love with JLS. You may have guessed that if you follow me on twitter! I went to see their 3D movie 'Eyes Wide Open' twice :D. The cinema was quite empty the second time round but I still had tonnes of fun. I think I embarrassed my mum but hey, she offered to come! haha!

I've only seen JLS live once but I'm seeing them again at T40TB this year and I actually cannot wait! :D My next mission is to get  DM/tweet off them on twitter and then meet them.... that would be my dream come true and I really believe dreams do come true. JLS are living prove of dreams coming true.

I don't think I've ever been so interested in music before but since JLS popped up on screen on X-Factor, I was kinda hooked I guess. I have other interests too of course, but I'll talk abut them another day. I wanna dedicate this blog to the AMAZING fur boys who go by the name 'JLS'. I think JLS reach out to so many different people in so many different ways. They went from absolutely nothing to millions of girls' everything! So many people have put JLS in the centre of their life and I'm one of those people. I'm currently wearing my JLS hoodie haha! But honestly, JLS have done so much, inspired so many people and the best thing is, everything they do is something they WANT to do for their FANS!

A lot f musical stars these days only do things because their management has told them to do it. They release a new song just because they want money, JLS don't. They do something because their management let them, they release new songs because they want to give their fans something. Now, if you aren't a JLS fan, I hope I've made you realise why JLS are so frikkin awesome! Oh sorry, I haven't? Oh ok well listen up....
JLS have their own charity promoting safe sex amongst teenagers- one of their biggest dreams as to set up their own charity.
They have a 3D Movie which was labelled the best attended UK music cinema event- this means it bet Justin Bieber's film.
JLS sang in the dark because they didn't want to disappoint fans who paid to see them when they were the back up act for Lemar and the lights blacked out.
Marvin slipped on stage in the rain but still performed.

I'm nt gonna carry on because the list will go on for pages and pages. I'm sure you realise by now why JLS are inspiring to so many people. I don't want to go into showbiz or music, I want to be a lawyer. This means I am actually quite academic, this means I need to work hard and put in 100% effort to get the best outcome possible. I WILL do this, partly because I've seen it being done by JLS and I know that 89% effort will NEVER give you the BEST possible outcome. For me, 100% effort should never ever be ignored. It would be like feeding a cat dog food, pointless and a waste of time.

The journey that JLS have took since the X-Factor has been incredible. They are clearly 4 boys who are dedicated, willing and happy. Oristé is helping his mum get through her life as easy as possible. She has MS and her life is hard. But she never gives up either. Everyday she wakes up, she was the one who believed in Oristé, she knew he could do it. Mother's instinct I suppose. And she couldn't have been more right because he made it, oh boy did he make it! Music is Oristé's life! He made it his life. He's truly inspiring.

All four members of JLS conduct themselves so professionally. They never become complacent. There is always something extra they think they can be giving to the fans. Now, I realise that there may come a time when they may be no more songs being produced by JLS but you know what, the memories will remain, the happiness that JLS gave to those millions of people will remain. Nothing will destroy the memories, the tears and the laughter.

The words of wisdom spoken by Aston, Marvin, JB and Oristé will always remain engraved in my heart. Nothing can take them away.

Lots of love to the four boys who inspire me to chase my dreams!

First Blog & My sister's birthday

So here goes my first blog. Hope you enjoy (that sounds cheesy)

It was my little sisters 3rd birthday today :D She spent most of the day at the child-minder's but we sent a cake with her and she couldn't stop talking about how she had such an awesome time and she kept singing 'squashed bananas to you' instead of 'happy birthday to you'. Apparently that's what the child-minder sings but who knows, my sister IS actually rather strange. She likes to jump on me in the morning to wake me up... NOT COOL little sis!

So as it was my sister's birthday, I baked her a little cake because, as my friend described me, I'm a 'domestic goddess'. I decorated it with buttercream and sprinkles too! The sprinkles which my sister called sparkles but hey, she loved the cake so i felt appreciated :D

I haven't got my sister her present yet (yes, I know it's late) but I will be getting it soon :D. I might just buy her a few dresses because I know how much she loves new clothes and I'll probably pick up a new pair of shoes for her, who doesn't love shoes?! She actually quite likes wearing my heels every now again but I had to hide them from her... she found them.. I hid them again :D that's what sisters do right?! Hide thing from each other?...

My sister absolutely adored the present she got today.. thy included a minnie mouse top (which was quite nice) and a bracelet and ring (the equivalent to the crown jewels to her) :D.

(sorry abut the excessive ':D' in this blog, I'm new to the whole blog thing)

Anyway, I think my sister had a really good day and I'm glad she did, even though she's annoying she's pretty damn awesome. Whenever i cry she tells me to stop crying (bless her). Lots of love to her, she's sleeping while I'm writing this! :D Sweet dreams sis! Love you lots x