Thursday 25 August 2011


So today was the day that I got my GCSE results!! After all the hard work and effort I had put in to trying my best and not giving up and this day was going to tell me if it had all payed off.

So, I meet up with my friend and we catch the bus to the other site of our school (we merged with another school to form an academy). As we got off the bus, we caught our friend hopping out of her car to collect her results and we joined her. It was nice to be together after a while. So, we collected our envelopes and huddled in a circle, loosening the ends of the envelope so we could reveal our results. I was expecting one piece of paper with numbers and letter on but there were actually about 5 pieces of paper and I was just utterly confused. We soon figured out what was going on and I am so pleased to say that I got 2 A*s, 5 As and 5 Bs!

I couldn't believe I had got these results because the exams really WERE hard!! I'm just so proud of myself!! My friends also done AMAZINGLY and I am feeling rather proud of them too ;) I know they are SO happy about their results!! They worked SO hard and they deserved amazing results!!

I told my family about my results and they had nothing but praise for me!! I can't really explain my happiness to be honest but it's kind of like the feeling you get when you first learned to tie your shoe laces as a child.. a feeling of great accomplishment ;)

I hope everyone is happy with their results, don't worry about what people thought you were gonna get because you shouldn't need to live up to anyone's expectations but your own!! You will be amazing no matter what!! So keep your head held high, keep focussed on your goals in life and you WILL reach them. Embrace every moment of happiness, be proud of whatever you do, don't look back because you haven't got any time to waste.


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Counting down the days & the time has come!!

25th August 2011- GCSE results day. The feelings I am experiencing at this moment are hard to understand. I feel nervous but I also fell excited. I have been waiting for this day for so long and all my years of school have been preparing me for this. I've always valued my education and tried my hardest to achieve the best possible. My parents have always told me that if I want something, I need to try my hardest to get it and I want to be successful so I will always try my hardest to be successful.

Now, many people are probably feeling SO nervous about results day but just remember one thing- if you know you've done you're best, there is nothing more you can do. At the end of the day, if you revised and turned up for the exam, there is nothing more you could have done. Whatever results you get, you need to remember that you will ALWAYS be amazing, no matter what. These results won't change the rest of your life forever, if you do well then congratulations but if you don't do as well as you hoped you would, don't be disheartened because, there will be an opportunity for you one day, you just need to wait. College or sixth form isn't always the right thing for everyone so choose wisely. Avoid quick snap decisions because it could lead to regrets. But whatever you do, work hard and always keep calm. Especially just before you open your envelope of results!!

Take a friend or family member which you for support. There's nothing better than someone stand next to you for you to scream, cry or jump with ;) Forget about people's expectations of you, you're doing this for you, not them, and go into your school hall with an open mind. Think about the life that lies ahead of you because you're just about to step into it. When you take your envelope, smile and say thank you. Don't let your nerves make you rush to open it. Console yourself, do some deep breathing if you really need to, open it slowly (just to build up the tension ;) ) look at it carefully... read every subject line.. take it all in... now here's your chance... SCREAM SHOUT CRY JUMP!! Do whatever you want to do to express your feelings. Be aware that there may be press from local newspapers hanging about so if you don't want to be in a shot then I suggest you hide ;) But honestly, share your success because everyone deserves to be happy. If your pleased with your results, go shout it from the rooftops!! Indulge yourself in happiness, this was achieved by YOU, no one else, just your amazing self!!

Celebrate your triumphs because, this may sounds a bit clichéd but, you are worth it!! If you have tried your hardest possible then I'm sure you will shine, you'll sparkle with delight, happiness will fill your heart. You deserve it, GCSEs are not easy!!

Good luck to every single one of us getting our results!! I will post mine up tomorrow, let me know what you all get :D

Hugs and kisses... just to calm your nerves a little :D mwaaahhh < That is a big one for the AMAZING Abi & Shifa who I know will just do great! Don't worry my little wiggle bottoms!!!

Saturday 20 August 2011

We don't live in a jigsaw puzzle.

So today, I was having a conversation with one of my friends about how we want to meet One Direction & JLS. She happens to be a big One Direction fan & I'm the big JLS fan (as you may already know). We were talking about how we will go to book signings and things to meet them and then she mentioned something which really made me think, it was actually quite sad to think about. You see, she wears a head scarf. She mentioned how she would feel 'awkward' if we went to try and meet the bands. I replied with 'but why?' without thinking properly and she said 'because I wear a scarf'. Part of me was shocked that she would feel awkward just because she wears a scarf but I totally understood her feelings.

I myself don't wear a scarf and when I see people wearing one it seems normal because it is part of my religion. I have nothing but respect for them. This is why I was shocked when my friend said this. It is normal for me to see her wearing a scarf. I see her all the time and if she came out without a scarf I would be shocked. But why should wearing a scarf make her feel awkward? It is part of her religion. People should have nothing but respect for that. I am a big believer in respecting other people's cultures because we do live in a multi-cultural society. We need to welcome different cultures with open arms. If we didn't wouldn't we get bored? Although I do have a religion, I'm always open to new ideas from different cultures. For example, I wear clothes from shops such as TopShop/New Look(western culture) but I also wear clothes from my own eastern culture but with a modern twist. My prom dress is a great example of this.

I would never look at someone and judge them on what they are wearing. O.K I may look at someone's outfit and say 'oh that's nice' or 'oh I don't like that' but I will never judge the person wearing those clothes. A headscarf is like a piece of clothing or a hair clip. Just because it's there, it doesn't mean you need to point it out. You wouldn't make someone feel awkward if they wore a mickey mouse t-shirt so why make a person feel awkward if they are wearing a head scarf?

At the end of the day, we don't live in a jigsaw puzzle and not everyone fits in with each other but when you were a child, you would have tried to make each jigsaw piece fit into each other wouldn't you? So what's stopping us from trying to make everyone feel like they fit in now?

Appreciating differences within society is often overlooked and many people begin to label people on what they look like. We need to realize that yes, everyone is different and why is that? It's because we are unique. We don't question each other's DNA so why question what we wear or what we look like?

I hope this made sense. I'm not sure it did, but surely you must understand my point by now. Feeling like a social outcast is a terrible feeling so don't make anyone feel like that.

In the words of Jessie J, Nobody's Perfect!

Friday 19 August 2011

Dying to be thin??

After coming across a webpage which gives tips to girls wishing to become size zeros, I began to think about the harm which people are causing themselves. It's sad to think that people are out there trying to be a size zero. They must be able to see that it's not what a healthy body is about. Depriving your body of food will not help you. Keeping a fast for 30 days, limiting yourself to juice, is dangerous. It upsets me to read thing like this.

Now, you could say that celebrities are the cause of this but, I don't think it is the only cause. Sure the media has a BIG impact on how we live our lives and seeing thin, tall models and celebrities on magazine covers does make us feel uncomfortable in our own bodies sometimes but people are missing the point. Many celebrities have very on-the-go lifestyles. They DO eat but they burn a lot of their calories off by walking from one place to another. Also, the like of Cheryl Cole and The Saturdays do dance. If you look at preparations they have done for music videos, you will see that a lot of it does include dancing and dancing does help to loose weight/maintain weight. People need to take all of these factors into consideration before deciding that they are going to stop eating.

I've never been 100% happy with my size. There are times when I will look in the mirror and think that I'm too fat. I've always thought that my thighs are HUGE and at one point, I did really want to do something about it so I changed my lifestyle and slotted in just half an hour of exercise a day and I began to see a difference. Then I began taking the exercise more seriously. It went from enjoying the exercise to working out how many calories I had burned. I also began counting calories. Then I realized I needed to stop. Luckily it only took me a month to realize that what I was doing wasn't right and I went back to exercising just to keep myself healthy and ever since then, I have began to feel more comfortable with my body. I realized that I wasn't fat. After all, I was only a size 8 and I knew this was normal for my age.

I've started eating a lot healthier now. Previously, I hadn't really been eating much fruit but now I have increased my fruit intake and I only have a packet of crisps about once a month. I've found that this not only makes me feel healthier, but it also makes me feel happier because I know that I am being healthy and my skin feels healthier.

But when I see articles titled 'tips for anorexia' and 'thinspiration' I get very worried. I will look through these articles and think 'wow! look how thin they are' and I will begin to think about myself and my body. Then I think again to myself. I reassure myself and my insecurities are pushed aside because I know that a lot of these girls really are dying to be thin. They're eating one apple throughout a whole day and nothing more. They're looking for ways to stop them gaining weight when they probably weigh half of what I weigh!

There are many people who are genuinely thin and they can eat tonnes of food and they won't put on weight because they have a high metabolism. We must not envy people like that. That's just how they have been made, it's just how their body works. Everyone is unique and we need to remember that. Although keeping healthy is important, we need to get the balance right, O.K stick to a diet, but keep it a healthy diet. Don't cut out fatty foods completely because you need fat to insulate your body. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and enjoy things like cake, crisps and chocolate in moderation. If you stick at your exercise for a month, reward yourself with a chocolate. But do make sure that you take in lots of water whilst exercising. Water is great for your body. It keeps impurities out, it will make your skin look healthier and you will feel a lot more refreshed when you drink it.

So for all you girls, or even boys, out there who aren't happy with your size or shape, just remember, inner beauty counts too. You might not have the perfect body but you could have the perfect personality.

You are amazing, don't you ever ever forget that!!
Adele was the cover girl for the July 2011 issue of GLAMOUR- She isn't a size zero and she looks beautiful!

Every life is worth living. Smile like you've never smiled before, laugh like there's nothing better to do & live like there is no tomorrow. It's your life, don't let anyone take that away from you! 

Sunday 14 August 2011

Welcome Home :D

So, as I am sat drinking some pepsi and staring at a blank, boring laptop screen... I find out that one of my closest friend is now back in England after a weeks holiday in france! :D

I just wanted to say welcome home to her and I hope she had one amazing time!! I'm sure she did and I'm sure she has many stories of when her french has let her down haha!!

I jut thought i would be the lovely friend that I am and dedicate an entire blog to her because she is AWESOME! and I haven't spoke to her in a week.. that's like a whole year in our lives haha!!

We have a lot of catching up to do and I can't wait to hear her stories!!

Welcome Back Abi :)

(sorry about the bad weather)


Wednesday 10 August 2011

Just Stop!

Racism is a nasty thing. Judging people on their race is terrible. Just because someone has a different colour skin to you, it doesn't mean they are alien and deserve to be hated upon.

I have experienced racism and I would never wish for anyone to experience it. Being judged by your appearance is extremely hurtful. When it happened to me, I just wanted to change myself. I felt like I wasn't good enough to be around people. I felt like an outsider, I had been pushed out. I couldn't face the people who were racist towards me. What made it worse was that it happened at school and when I plucked up the courage to report it, nothing was done. I had no apology and saw the person again a few days later. It was very difficult to not be scared.

Inflicting racism on any person, young or old, is a horrible thing to do. I never have and never will understand why people do that. Only an ill-minded individual would get joy from doing such a thing.

When I see people being racist to other on twitter, a fire starts within me. I just want to take back the words the person has said and burn them like they never existed. But even by doing that, the victim of the racism may not be able to forget the words of hatred which have been poured upon them.

Racial harmony is something which we may never reach on this world but it would be nice to see people trying. Why should we target communities and groups of the grounds of their race? It does not do good for anyone.

A great song which expresses how everyone should be treated the same is 'Rainbow' by Jessie J. Check it out on youtube here:

Monday 8 August 2011


The cold sound of sirens filled the streets of London. Nothing drove them away. The blaze of the fire clashed dreadfully with the cold blue lights. Is was all unstoppable. Peace was no where.

The past 3 nights have been nights of horror for many. Innocent people have lost their homes, their jobs and all happiness they once had. A family lost their loved one. But everyone lost peace. Respect went out the demolished window. The cruelty within the minds of people is astonishing. Why would anyone do this?

All this horror has escalated from the supposed unjust death of a man in London. The police apparently addressed the media first and ignored the needs of the mans family. This lead to peaceful protests on friday which were soon invaded by rowdy people wanted to make a show of themselves. This lead to the weekend being hoarded into a pool of violence. Fires blazed within empty looted shops and glass crunched beneath the heavy boots of police officers who attempted to keep the streets free from violence.

There have been many attempts to restore normality within the streets of London however, matters seem only to be getting worse. The rioters are beginning to spread all over the UK to cities such as Manchester and Birmingham. These cities are now experiencing the sound of shattering shop windows and hoards of youths reeking havoc in the once calm city centres. It has been reported that 'Primark' and 'Nandos' in Birmingham have been attacked and broken in to.

I personally do not see the need for such violence. It seems people have forgot the reason for the protests in the first place. These reasons were justified and intended to air feelings of injustice but by people creating such violent scenes, they are, in some ways, showing that they are in favor of such injustices as they are putting innocent people's lives at risk. Not thinking before they act, trying to climb up their social ladder by indulging in acts which they think will make them look 'hard'.

I do not sympathise in any way with those being arrested. They need to realise that what they are doing is wrong. Youths as young as the age of 7 are being involved in these riots. It baffles me to think why they are letting themselves get involved with this. But what worried me more is that there parents either don't know where their children are or they can't control what their children are doing.

This is both worrying and disgraceful. I hope the cold siren calls stops and this is all sorted when the other half of the government get back from holiday and hold another meeting....

Tuesday 2 August 2011

AAAHH!! I can't believe it! :D

After a year of non stop tweeting my wish finally came true. I got a tweet off Oritsé from JLS :D Words cannot describe how happy I am about this!! I have finally been noticed by one of my biggest inspirations... he's so amazing and it's so amazing that the most amazing person tweeted me :D

I was slightly overwhelmed when I saw the tweet! I started crying, but all is well, they were definitely tears of joy!! I still can't believe it.. in the words of Oritsé 'wowsh'

I would never have been able to get the tweet without the help of 2 girls, Shifa & Amanda :D Shifa is one of my best friends and Amanda is a girl I met through twitter, she is a JLS fan :)

So I finally made my wish come true, just shows that no matter what happens, if you try hard you can always make your wishes come true!! Now don't just sit there... Go and make YOUR wishes come true :D

He was doing a Q&A session my question was: 'if you could do anything you wanted to, what would you do?'