Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sorry guys :P

Right, so I've been running low on the good ol' blogs but I've honestly been SO busy!!

Most of my days are taken up by college and when I'm not at college I'm doing college work so I'm basically surrounded by college!! It's actually quite frustrating because I dislike college ALOT and the only reason I'm sticking it out is because I need to!! If i could fast forward 2 years and be at university I really would but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!!

So yeah, I've been busy with college and then I've also been busy at home because my mommy is due to have a baby some times this week and she has been in and out of hospital so I've been helping out with looking after my little sister!! It's all a bit hectic in my little world right now!!

I'm currently setting up revision for all of my exams in January at college. I have 3 in total and I also have coursework etc to complete. It's not easy at college no matter what anyone says!! You have to put in SO much work and I've had to put in extra because the teachers at my college are pretty useless at times haha!!

So yeah, as my life goes right now I pretty much have about 5 hours of free time a week or something!! It sucks but I've gotta get on with it!!
I can't wait to have a little break over the christmas holidays but I'm sure a lot of my time will be spent revising!! At least I will have the chance to relax a little though hey?!

Anyway, I think I've bored you enough with my little life story but if you're still reading then congrats to you because I would have zoned out ages ago!! hahah

Blog soon (I hope)

Friday 18 November 2011

Nothing Beats it!!

Feeling like you're on cloud nine has gotta be THE best feeling ever and that's exactly how I'm feeling right now!! It's like something has taken over me, wipe away all those possible tears and blessed me with the greatest feeling in the world!!

I can't explain what it's like to feel like this!! It's like having your favourite childhood sweet after such a long time!! Honestly I can't explain it but I'm sure every single one of you lovely people reading this have experienced it at some point in your life!!

Everything is great. I'm keeping positive and I will not let anyone or anything take away this smile that I've been wearing!!

Keep Smiling :D

Thursday 17 November 2011


RIGHT, so here we have it!! JUKEBOX HAS ARRIVED!!

I got my copy a bit late due to 'unforeseen circumstances' but anyway when I first got to listen to it properly I was actually so amazed at it!!
Here is the track listing:
Track 01- She makes me wanna
Track 02- Do you feel what I feel
Track 03- Teach me how to Dance
Track 04- Take a Chance On Me
Track 05- Go Harder
Track 06- So Many Girls
Track 07- 3D
Track 08- Take You Down
Track 09- Innocence
Track 10- Killed By Love
Track 11- Never Gonna Stop
Track 12- Shy of The Cool

So, my favourites on the album? hmm.. well the entire album is just brilliant but if I had to pick 3 favourites I would probably choose: Do you feel What I feel, Take A Chance On Me and Shy Of the Cool. I think for me, I feel like their is a whole lot of emotion packed into this album. One disk containing so much emotion!! It's just great!! You have that aspect of love but yet there is so much energy in some of the songs too which is just great!! OK now JLS clearly aren't everyone's cup of tea but I think a lot of the songs, for example Take A Chance On Me, everyone can relate to in some way. Music is open to so much interpretation. Just take a generic lyric from the song and add your own interpretation to it!

Try it, I'll give you a few to try out from the song Take A Chance On me by JLS:

-'Reach out take my hand' think about: friendship, love, trust.
-'You give 100 percent but you've never seen a cent' think about: working hard but not feeling rewarded, trying so hard to please someone but nothing works, not feeling like your work is appreciated
-'But you cannot get past the fear' think about: not wearing something because you don't know what people will think, being too scared to do something you really want to do.

So, do you see what I mean. Music is open to so much interpretation. Everyone has their own take on life. Next time, when you listen to a piece of music, crank up the volume or listen to it quietly but whatever you do, listen carefully and think about what makes that piece of music so great. It could be the lyrics, the backing track anything. Just make it mea something to you, make it personal. Every artist wants their fans to relate to their music not just listen to it!! Try it, it will work!!


Saturday 12 November 2011

Prom Pictures :)

So I promised that I would upload a few picture from my prom which I had taken at my house and then edited. It has been a very long wait but they have arrived so I shall post a few of the jewellery. Enjoy & comment if you wish :)

Here's a picture of the earrings I wore. You can also see the lovely detail on the dress.
This is a full length of the dress. It is a cross between english and asian style. (Chopped my head out of the picture)
Here's a close up of the hand jewellery I wore. It was brought from an asian jewellery store.

Friday 4 November 2011


So, my Dad went to India for 2 weeks because there was a family wedding over there. He brought me back some amazing presents so I thought I'd share the most amazing ones with all you lovely people :) Feast your sparkly little eyes on these!!

A set of silver bangles- There are 16 bangles in this set, 2 are chunky and the rest are thin but some have some great detail on them!

This is a set of 8 gold bracelets- It has 4 chunky bracelets in and every single one has great detail on.

This is a set of 4 gold bracelets with coloured gems on. I totally love the turquoise colour!!  

This is a more simple set of bangles. There are 16 in this set- 12 plain and 4 with the diamonds on. Great elegance!

Now I totally love this bracelet- It's a clamp bracelet and the detail on it is just amazing!  I love the colour too.

Just a simple clamp bracelet with an added sparkle:)

Thursday 3 November 2011

Nails Inc. Nail varnish

So this months issue of GLAMOUR magazine came with a lovely full size bottle of Nails Inc. nail polish. The colour I received was 'Basil Street' and I totally love it!! It's a nude/light toffee colour and it applies really well onto the nail. After just two coats you're all set!

The colour is great for mutli-wear i.e you can wear it for a casual coffee or a night out with your friends! It matches every outfit and I really recommend it to everyone :) Also, I've had mine of for 3 days now and there isn't a single chip in sight and I use my hands a lot because I do a lot of writing, washing up etc. Definitely a recommend buy!!

Love your nails. :)