Friday 12 October 2012

to honour Amanda Todd

Most of you are probably aware of the concept of suicide. It involves taking your life and is often a cry for help. Often, suicide will follow a period of severe or endless depression. A person committing suicide feels that by taking their life, they will be escaping their problems, they see it as the only solution and escape to their hardship.
On Wednesday 10th October, a 15-year-old girl took her life in Columbia by hanging herself. She done this due to bullying. She was unable to escape her bullys, she moved school, moved city and still she couldn't escape it. She faced constant hardship. She posted a video on YouTube before killing herself. She told her story of her endless battle with the bullies who led her to severe depression and anxiety. She began 'cutting' (slitting her wrists) and she was beaten by a group of 15 girls. After this, she lay in a ditch where her father found her and took her to hospital. When she got home, she drank bleach in an attempt to end her life. Fortunately she was not successful as she was rushed to hospital where the doctors flushed her body (pumped the bleach out.) she faced constant terror from people on Facebook who made nasty comments about her attempts to end her life, saying she deserves to die. This really led her to feel like she has no place in this world. Her world ended on the 10th October 2012. She was a beautiful girl who deserved a much better life. Those bullys were nothing but evil and I am sure, if they have any heart, they will feel regret for the fact that they pushed Amanda to her own death.
No one should ever feel the way Amanda did. Everyone, no matter who they are, deserves their place on this earth. A person should never wish death upon another and no one has the right to tell another person that they dont deserve to live.
Reading this story about Amanda has honestly had a huge impact upon me due to me hearing of a family friend doing the exact same thing exactly a week before Amanda Todd done it. I can't imagine what Amanda's parents are going through. They have just lost an amazing daughter and no matter what bad she has done in her life, she did never ever deserve this. Her parents just need to know that now, she is in a much better place and she is in peace. She has finally reached peace that she never got to reach in this life.
To all those bullys who pushed Amanda to this: you should feel ashamed of what you have caused. You made a person feel so worthless and hopeless that they had to take their own life. She changed her entire life to try and escape you and yet you didnt let her live her life in peace. You had no right to make her feel this way and I hope now, you realise you were wrong. Sadly, it's too late but i just pray that you never ever make a person feel this way again. Think before you speak or act. You will never know how much your words or actions can affect a person. What you see on the outside is not even half of it. Amanda had her entire life ahead of her and you took it away from her, you crushed her inside and left her feeling lonely and worthless. I never wish for anyone to ever feel like that.
Amanda's story is one which i hope everyone takes something from. Whether it is just the appreciation of the good people we have around us or the fact that we should treat everyone with respect and worthiness no matter who they are. Also, to anyone reading this thinking of ending their own life, dont do it. I understand it might seem like the only solution but honeslty, there are people who will help you. Think of everyone you will be leaving behind, whoever they are, your mum, dad, sister, brother, best friend or lover, they will all be more than sad to see you leave them like that. You can't leave them behind wondering what they could have done to help you.
To every single soul reading this: you are beautiful, inside and out, no matter what other people say. You deserve your place on this earth more than anyone else. When times get hard and it seems like happiness will never be reached and no one will rescue you, just keep smiling because honestly, it will get better. It may be hard, it may be very hard, but it will get better. Look for the help you need and when you get it, you will be on your way to a better life. Most improtantly, nothing is ever entirely your fault so dont blame yourself! Im not telling you to blame others, i am just saying that you need to think logically and think of the real causes of the problem because chances are, it isn't just you causing it.
Every problem has a solution and if we work together, we will find it :)<3
Rest in peace Amanda, your story is inspiring <3